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Hello Paul/Tyson/Cody :)


Why not open a new section/link with a new kind of feature request more interactive and more usefull that we can track the top features request?


For exemple you can add onde feedback system like this http://codecanyon.net/item/ideafeed-interactive-user-feedback-system/6189122 or http://useresponse.com


This is really nedded for blesta beacsue there is no way you can track all things, and this way it will be easy for you and for us to ask new features and track the TOP ones to e possible implemented on next release :)


What do you think?


Thanks ;)


Blesta already uses JIRA for bug tracking and planning purposes...doesn't JIRA have feature request functionality as well?...


Jira as one (https://www.atlassian.com/software/confluence/questions) but the price is very hight for the features it has, there is one open source also that make the same: 





I dont like for exemple to time to time add a new replay to my features requests to make attention again to gain feedback and maybe attrack Blesta atention to implement, and with a system like this it will resolve everything :)


I actually have useresponse.com written on our whiteboard here for possible consideration. Looks like they have a major new version in beta.


Wen can we see it in action? :P


I need to post some requests lol


Have not decided if we are going to use that or not, open to other suggestions. The feature request forum is not terrible, but it's not really designed for feature requests either. Still, it gives us a pretty good idea what people want. When we hear "please add feature xyz" a lot, then we can't ignore it anymore. :)


Making it easier for people to vote has it's upside, but also some people just vote for everything even if they will never need it.

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