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This is a small bug that isn't a problem in many countries and can be fixed friendly.

Use case:

- In "Invoice customizations" i set "Invoice start value" first time, e.g. 20140001; invoices start with 20140001;

- then i change "Invoice start vslue" (this is necessary in Italy because law want that numeration restart every year), e.g. 20150001; in this case Blesta fails because invoices start with 20150002!

Banally, solve if i set, in next updates, a number - 1, e.g. 20150000. But isn't a normal flow.



14 answers to this question

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naja7host is right!


I can't use {year}{num} because i need "num" formatted as 4 digits (e.g, "0071").


The issue is strange, because the first time the numeration starts correct, but after edit "Invoice start value" {num} is always increased by 1 unit.

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What you're experiencing is normal behavior for invoice number generation. The first invoice ever created begins at the invoice start number, and every number generated afterward is incremented by the invoice increment value. So changing the start value after invoices have already been generated continues to create invoice numbers starting at the next incremented value. As you've discovered, if you want to change the start value in the future, you need to consider that the next invoice number is generated from the increment value and set the start value accordingly.


If it did not increment when you changed the start value, it would be possible to generate duplicate invoice numbers, which is arguably a worse outcome.

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Thanks Tyson!


It's clear and right.


The problem is that, sometimes Blesta documentation is a little lacking, especially in clarifying some aspects of "logic" that can be interpreted differently by your users: but we know that your staff needs more time (36 hours/day)!

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Yes, 36 hour days would be great!


The most up-to-date documentation in (almost) every software project is the source code itself, so there will always be more that needs to be done on the rest of the documentation. But I agree, they need more attention.

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this is related to other request http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3306-pro-forma-invoices-numbering-are-not-sequential/

if we can add fields that store last invoice (number) and last proforma (number) . we can easy reset this field in every new year . and resolving this two issue . i'm sure with the more users use blesta they will request this . so prepare fromnow to this :)

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licensecart, what are you thinking?


{count} as {num} but auto-magically reset every new year?


You'd have {year}{count} year is the year aka 2014 / 2015 and count does 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06


So like 201401 201402 201403 201404, etc.

And maybe there could be a cron which is ran once every year to reset the number count back to 01.

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