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Cron Using Too Much Memory?



First the data:



I have a couple dozen of these in the lfd.log:

Kill:0 User:wfitg VM:285(MB) EXE:/home/virtfs/wfitg/usr/bin/php /home/wfitg/public_html/backend/index.php cron

And emails from lfd:

Resource: Virtual Memory Size

Exceeded: 285 > 200 (MB)

Executable: /home/virtfs/wfitg/usr/bin/php

Command Line: /usr/bin/php /home/wfitg/public_html/backend/index.php cron

PID: 28803 (Parent PID:28802)


Is this memory use normal?

Could the warning threshold be too low?

Could this be brute force?

Is anyone else having high mem use + cron?

8 answers to this question

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for me is normal . you must increase the memory limit in CSF to 350 or 400Mb .


normal just for cronjob , if you have small database with small services/clients/ then this shouldbe some more invistigation .

Small database.

What to look for?

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I had that Issue once, but for me It was caused by backup attempts that always kept on failing. I believe it's not the cron It'self that's causing the High Memory usage rather that the tasks that failed long running tasks. You can try to check If your back ups are running or set to run, disable them and observe




You can change php version back and forth just to refresh the Memory usage: (Just a trick i learned during the hard times ;) )

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I have spaced out the time intervals under settings/automation. I had several settings running every 5 minuets.
I noticed there was a spike at around 3pm. This is when the load was the heaviest.


Deliver Reports
A/R, Invoice Generation, Tax Liability, and other reports will be delivered daily at the time specified.



I set this to run overnight instead of 3pm.


Hopefully changing the settings for each task will reduce the memory being used

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I have spaced out the time intervals under settings/automation. I had several settings running every 5 minuets.


I noticed there was a spike at around 3pm. This is when the load was the heaviest.



I set this to run overnight instead of 3pm.


Hopefully changing the settings for each task will reduce the memory being used

Absolutely .... But just try to check If there were any failed attempts from the logs.

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