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Namesilo - Issues with Whois Update and Contact Addition in Manage Domain

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Recently upgraded to 5.11.0

When logged in as a user and navigating to Manage Domain > Whois Tab, the “Update Whois” button doesn’t seem to work. Clicking it keeps you on the same page, and the button’s link is:


However, the “Update Whois” function via the ACP works fine. 

Additionally, when I tried to add a contact, clicking “Add Contact” (Save) after inputting all the contact details  via client side it displayed the following error in the header with a success green box. This header error shouldn’t show:

object(NamesiloResponse)#1340 (2) { [“xml”:“NamesiloResponse”:private]=> object(SimpleXMLElement)#1341 (2) { [“request”]=> object(SimpleXMLElement)#1329 (2) { [“operation”]=> string(10) “contactAdd” [“ip”]=> string(13) “censored-ip” } [“reply”]=> object(SimpleXMLElement)#1336 (3) { [“code”]=> string(3) “300” [“detail”]=> string(7) “success” [“contact_id”]=> string(8) “24829894” } } [“raw”:“NamesiloResponse”:private]=> string(223) “ contactAddcensored-ip300success24829894 “ }


Afterwards, I attempted to assign the new contact (e.g., Registrant, Tech, Billing) from the dropdown in the Whois tab and clicked ‘Save’, but the button doesn’t  work.IMG_1433.jpeg


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