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Whmcs Import Error - Option_Pricing_Id Cannot Be Nul - Migration From Whmcs 5.3.10 To Blesta 3.2





I'm trying to migrate from WHMCS 5.3.10 to Blesta 3.2

Seems like  option_pricing_id  cannot be nul, but it is in our db :)


importStaff ----------------- importStaff took: 0.2447 seconds ----------------- importClients ----------------- importClients took: 7.1084 seconds ----------------- importContacts ----------------- importContacts took: 0.1203 seconds ----------------- importTaxes ----------------- importTaxes took: 0.0021 seconds ----------------- importCurrencies ----------------- importCurrencies took: 0.0037 seconds ----------------- importInvoices ----------------- importInvoices took: 9.0035 seconds ----------------- importTransactions ----------------- importTransactions took: 30.7386 seconds ----------------- importPackages ----------------- importPackages took: 1.6567 seconds ----------------- importPackageOptions ----------------- importPackageOptions took: 2.8433 seconds ----------------- importServices ----------------- importSupportDepartments ----------------- importSupportTickets ----------------- importMisc ----------------- decrypted 18 values using WHMCS' custom algorithm decrypt took: 0.0015 seconds total time took: 54.4234 seconds Array ( [error] => Array ( [0] => The import completed but the following errors ocurred: [1] => importServices: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'option_pricing_id' cannot be null on line 124 [2] => importSupportDepartments: There is already an active transaction on line 163 [3] => importSupportTickets: There is already an active transaction on line 163 [4] => importMisc: There is already an active transaction on line 163 ) )


cheers :)








2 answers to this question

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Glad that worked for you, but Blesta 3.3 does ship with an improved importer for whmcs. You'll need to install Blesta 3.3 in order to use the importer though and it's included. If you're happy with the import, then there's no reason to do this, but might be worth a shot otherwise.

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