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I have a game server hosting company and I'm using blesta as my billing and management platform. It's common at game server rental to have a base price and charge per server slot.


At Blesta 3.3 prorate was introduced for upgrading packages and payment terms, but it's not included when an user wants to keep the same payment term but have a higher slot count, which is set-up as a configurable option with many options (from 10 to 60 players, but it can be up to 500 with a step of 5 slots).



I don't think that the slot options should be added as different packages, so I think it would be very useful to be able to upgrade configurable options with prorate feature.


Considering that blesta is preparing to enter to the game server hosting area with the inclusion of Multicraft module and the development of TCAdmin, I think that you should also consider implementing this.


(Please correct me if it's already implemented, I haven't tested all the new features yet)




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