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[Pro-Forma Invoices] - Unvoiding A Pro-Forma Dosent Retain "proforma" Status In Database

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Wen we have Pro-Forma activated and we create an Pro-Forma Invoice, if we "Void" the Pro-Forma Invoice, the Status in Blesta Data Base Table on [invoices]->[status] goes to "void", and if we "Unvoid"  the Pro-Forma invoice the status in Blesta Data Base goes to "active" insted  of going to "proforma".


Wen we have Pro-Forma activated and we create an Pro-Forma Invoice, if we "Void" the Pro-Forma Invoice, the Status in Blesta Data Base Table on [invoices]->[status] goes to "void", and if we "Unvoid"  the Pro-Forma invoice the status in Blesta Data Base goes to "active" insted  of going to "proforma".


Are you running beta 2?


I don't encounter this issue. It sounds like it was originally created as a draft or active invoice first.



No, I will explain how to reproduce :)



1- Activate Pro-Forma Invoices

2- On Admin->Clients->Browse->Edit Client->Create Invoice  fill the fields and click on "Create". Now the Pro-Forma invoice is created. ((in the field [status] on database [invoces] it will show "proforma" in this)

3- On Admin->Clients->Browse->Edit Client->Invoices->Edit(Created Pro-Forma Invoice). Now Click on "Void Invoice". ((in the field [status] on database [invoces] it will show "void" in this)

4- On Admin->Clients->Browse->Edit Client->Invoices->Voided->Edit(Voided Pro-Forma Invoice). Now Click on "Unvoid and Modify". (in the field [status] on database [invoces] it will show "active" in this)

5- Go to your phpMyAdmin and check the table  [invoices] and the field [status] of that "Unvoided Pro-Forma Invoice" you will see that the status is "active" insted of "proforma"  :)


I did not check if it will break anything on Blesta a Pro-Forma Invoices using the status "active" insted of "proforma", but I think it will because the status "proforma" is used for some checks on blesta, but im not shure ;)


4- On Admin->Clients->Browse->Edit Client->Invoices->Voided->Edit(Voided Pro-Forma Invoice). Now Click on "Unvoid and Modify". (in the field [status] on database [invoces] it will show "active" in this)


I'm not able to duplicate this issue. The status is changed from void to proforma as expected.


Can anyone trie to reproduce my same error?


I will trie to install anouther new install tomorow and see if it beaves the same.


Im 99,99....% shure it will continue in the same beavour ;)


I will post the results :)


Now im very confused :(


New install, almost everithing setup like the previus build, but now it works correctly the status :(


I will DIFF the directory agains the original Blesta 3.3b2


I think it was a very rude mistake of mine, I think wen I rename the folder to make a new install of Beta2, I have renamed the Beta1 and not Beta2, but im not shure :(


I dont have anouther explanation for this to happen, I have trie almost every mistake on a new Beta 2 instalation and seams fine, so Im goin to Appoligy to Paul, Tyson and naja7host :( very sorry


I Will update in a few minuts wen I finish run the "winmerge" on the folder to make a diff and have 100% shure it was my mistake.


Update: The files are 100% iqual so it was not a Beta 2 upload mistake.


There is maybe an option or somehow any thing I have made on configuring that make this happen. (I dont have any modification, new addons not blesta default installed)


So, I will trie to "ignore" this for now and after more debugging on blesta i will trie to see it again :)

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