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Getting The Event Details That Has Been Triggered

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I'm trying to create something so that when a transaction is created I trigger another function, which is working, but I'm having trouble understanding how to get the event details of the transaction.


For example, in my plugin handler file I have this:

public function getEvents() {
	return array(
			'event' => "Transactions.add",
			'callback' => array("this", "run")

public function run($event) {
	$content = ob_end_clean();
	file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/output.txt', $content);

All I get in the contents of output.txt is:


How can I get the event details such as how much they paid etc?


If you look at the EventObject class, you should be able to call the following methods.


A useful thing to note is that you can use

print_r($event, true);

and it will return the data instead of printing it.


If you look at the EventObject class, you should be able to call the following methods.


A useful thing to note is that you can use

print_r($event, true);

and it will return the data instead of printing it.


Hmmmmmm....... why doesn't the var_dump() output the object data then?


Anyway....... I tried those and it didn't give me much information; $event->getParams() just returned an ID, which I assume is the id of the transaction?


The EventObject vars that store the info are protected so that might be var_dump() doesn't output them.


Yes, if you look at where the transaction event is registered and triggered you can see it is the transaction id (seems there is actually a transaction.transaction_id and transaction.id, this is the former.

$this->Events->register("Transactions.add", array("EventsTransactionsCallback", "add"));
$this->Events->trigger(new EventObject("Transactions.add", compact("transaction_id")));
$this->Events->register("Transactions.edit", array("EventsTransactionsCallback", "edit"));
$this->Events->trigger(new EventObject("Transactions.edit", compact("transaction_id")));

You can get the actual transaction like this

if (!isset($this->Transactions))
    Loader::loadModels($this, array("Transactions"));


The EventObject vars that store the info are protected so that might be var_dump() doesn't output them.


Yes, if you look at where the transaction event is registered and triggered you can see it is the transaction id (seems there is actually a transaction.transaction_id and transaction.id, this is the former.

$this->Events->register("Transactions.add", array("EventsTransactionsCallback", "add"));
$this->Events->trigger(new EventObject("Transactions.add", compact("transaction_id")));
$this->Events->register("Transactions.edit", array("EventsTransactionsCallback", "edit"));
$this->Events->trigger(new EventObject("Transactions.edit", compact("transaction_id")));

You can get the actual transaction like this

if (!isset($this->Transactions))
    Loader::loadModels($this, array("Transactions"));


Awesome - thank you!

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