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Interworx And Err_Empty_Response



Hello.. me again.


So I figured I'd test the creation of a brand new account from within Blesta's client screen and adding a service.  I'm getting this from chrome after I click Add Service for a completely new domain not in my system.


Unable to load the webpage because the server sent no data.
Reload this webpage
Press the reload button to resubmit the data needed to load the page.



 I've read on the forums and only found one reference to a firewall issue, however even after completely disabling the firewall, it still appears.  I tried with firefox and it gave me "The connection was reset" error message.  Strangely enough, it creates the account in Interworx with the correct package, but does not add it to services if I refresh the page and view the client.


I really want to go ahead and purchase the software, however I must be 100% sure it'll function after I do, so I'm trying to get the bugs ironed out before I offer it as a way for people to pay their bills. :)  Thank you again for putting up with my questions!

4 answers to this question

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An issue like that could be caused by any of numerous reasons. You may want check out these possible solutions.


If you want to check whether the issue is with the server/Blesta (as opposed to your computer/connection), then you can create a pending Interworx service for a client. Then pay the invoice that is created and let the cron run to provision the service. Afterward, check to see if the service has been added in Interworx and Blesta. Take a look at the Module logs for details if the service doesn't provision.

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Hey LC, I don't see where that option is.. I'm still fighting to get this to work and getting a bit frustrated.  I can't add a service through the dashboard or through the cart and approval system (if the customer uses offline payment).. I don't want to look for another software, but I think I'm going to be forced to.  Need this up and running before the end of the month :\

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Hey LC, I don't see where that option is.. I'm still fighting to get this to work and getting a bit frustrated.  I can't add a service through the dashboard or through the cart and approval system (if the customer uses offline payment).. I don't want to look for another software, but I think I'm going to be forced to.  Need this up and running before the end of the month :\


Go to Settings > System > Staff > Staff groups > Tick the boxes for notices.

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