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Finally its here :)


Whois Get/Set (update details from Admin and Client Side)

Fixed: Removed GLOBAL variables, thanks to Carl 
Fixed: Code cleaned for better understand
Added: Whois Get/Set in Admin and Client Side

Please check first post how to Install/Update.




  • 2 weeks later...

Hi PauloV


I am getting the following error when trying to registering a .co.uk


oSRS Error - Incorrect call. on line 51 in /var/www/vhosts/domain.com/httpdocs/components/modules/opensrs/apis/commands/domains/provisioning/provSWregister.php




Hello richwalker :)


Thanks for the debugging ;)


I have fixed, please download in the first post the updated verion :)

Fixed: opemsrs default error handeling (now it uses a global var to store errors, is the quckiest way)
Added: .co.uk adittional fields missed. (thanks to richwalker)

Sorry to be a pain. If you login as a client and click manage. Then click change package you get.


Oh noes!

Undefined property: stdClass::$meta on line 875 in /var/www/vhosts/domian.com/httpdocs/components/modules/opensrs/opensrs.php


The registrant, Administrative, Technical & billing information is missing


Hello :)  no problem, it helps a lot to test in real enviorment because Im only testing on DEV opensrs servers and sometimes it shows "SUCESS" and I cant detect errors ;)


Pelase download again in the first post and replace your files, and test it again ;)


As many times you want, you can always "poke me"  lol





Very strange. It only appens wen you click on "Change package" ? What append wen you try to change package on admin side?


What is the "type" of the "package"? it is possibile to define:


"Register Domains"

"Transfer Domain"

"Renew Domain"





It only happens client side. Admin side is fine.

When you click on the whois tab should the fields have the domain details like name, address etc? Mine are blank in admin & client side.


OK now we are getting somethung :P I will debug on monday :)

I will also try to detectar why its not populating the WHOIS fields, it should be filled :)

Thanks for helping, in my opensrs dev/test account some functions cant be tested sadly only on production :(


Would you like access to my live account for testing?


Yes, it really helped a lot gettig real time data (Whois data and Lock/Unlock status) from a real domain. I will also try to ask a real domain to OPENSRS staff today, I will PM you my email adress

  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if your module is compatible with Blesta 3.5.1 but i'm trying it out anyways, when i try and add a account without sandbox the api username, key and hashkey reset to blank (nothing shows in the logs) when i add an account with the sandbox i get 

The API Username and Key combination appear to be invalid, or your Opensrs account may not be configured to allow API access.


logs show alot of different things success on the input, error on the output with it saying response_text Authentication Failed 


Not sure if your module is compatible with Blesta 3.5.1 but i'm trying it out anyways, when i try and add a account without sandbox the api username, key and hashkey reset to blank (nothing shows in the logs) when i add an account with the sandbox i get 

The API Username and Key combination appear to be invalid, or your Opensrs account may not be configured to allow API access.


logs show alot of different things success on the input, error on the output with it saying response_text Authentication Failed 


Should work fine you just make a hash up, a mate just did it with me when we was sorting it out he just generated a hash and used that.


did that lol, all fields are filled in with required information. when i click add account all fields go blank and nothing is saved.


Maybe its better to you, to contact sypport center of OpenSRS :)


@ all Blestars: We have recived an live OpenSRS account on Monday with a credit to test the Registration/Get Whois/Edit Whois/Transfer KEY/Lock Domain/Unlock Domain functions :)


In the Sandbox all tests work at 100%, now in Live, only now we can test it :) I will try to test on Tusday and report here the resullts and all outher fixes to make the first "OpenSRS Release Candidate" module release :blesta:


did that lol, all fields are filled in with required information. when i click add account all fields go blank and nothing is saved.


white page is a 500 internal server error, can you turn on the Blesta errors and do it again?


config/blesta.php change 0 to -1 in error_reporting


white page is a 500 internal server error, can you turn on the Blesta errors and do it again?


config/blesta.php change 0 to -1 in error_reporting

not a white page, just the data fields go blank

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello.  I am trying out this module.  I have installed and set up a package for domain registration.  But when trying to add the service to a client account via the admin interface, I get an "Oh noes!" with the following error:


array_intersect_key() [<a href='function.array-intersect-key'>function.array-intersect-key</a>]: Argument #2 is not an array on line 251 in /[system-path]/components/modules/opensrs/opensrs.php


It seems like this must be working for most folks.  What could be causing this failure?


Thank you for your hard work on this module.  It is a much needed addition to Blesta.




Possible there is missing validations on user input?  I am not yet an expert in object oriented programing, but it seems like the different forms make it possible to submit whatever you want to the Tucows API.  I understand it return errors if the input is not valide, but is this really the best way to go?


I mean, for example, the $ns variables, and the $callArray[$contactType].  


Also, there seems to be a bug on the ClientSettings page.  It doesn't grab the current status before showing the fieldRadio's.    As a result, a customer will alway's see he's domain as locked, while it is unlocked.


After a couple of months/years, i imagine many customers will have unlocked domains, while their domain show up as locked...


Thank you,





Possible there is missing validations on user input?  I am not yet an expert in object oriented programing, but it seems like the different forms make it possible to submit whatever you want to the Tucows API.  I understand it return errors if the input is not valide, but is this really the best way to go?


I mean, for example, the $ns variables, and the $callArray[$contactType].  


Also, there seems to be a bug on the ClientSettings page.  It doesn't grab the current status before showing the fieldRadio's.    As a result, a customer will alway's see he's domain as locked, while it is unlocked.


After a couple of months/years, i imagine many customers will have unlocked domains, while their domain show up as locked...


Thank you,




Thanks for finding the bugs, I will try to fic it ASAP :)


The litle time I have to develop the free modules like OpenSRS, sometimes I try to implement in the Quickiest Way just to make it work for now, of course all the code have to be revised in the end and polish all to work as we all aspected :)


Also OpenSRS tecnitions are helping me, and they will revise all code in the end and advise on things that I have to do to be approved oficially by OpenSRS (TwoCows) ;)

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