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Hello All
last week i  have accros with a particular issue , i need to change/override some CSS for certain page in blesta , like in support plugin / admin client view / admin client edit / login client / login staff . and some other pages of my own plugins/modules .
i heat changing the core files , so i have decided to go with vQmod , until i get the idea pombing my though . i have begin coding and coging and coding . inthe end i have GOT it working my Magic Plugin  "CSS & Javascipt Toolbox" , the idea was from a wordpress plugin .
NOW what my plugin can do ?
you need to add a image background to the login client page ? no probleme, add your css and let the plugin do it .
you need to ovveride some css style just in particular page ? no probleme, add your css and let the plugin do it .

you need to a jquery function in the add payment record ? no probleme, add your jquery code and let the plugin do it .


you need to hide some input/label/div without changinf the core file ?  ? no probleme, add your jquery code and let the plugin do it .

you need to add custom css/jquery/javascript in all client side or admin side ? no probleme, add your custom code and let the plugin do it .

how this can work in blesta ?

so is soo easy , with blesta v3.3 . my plugin search all the controllers and all the function inside the files , merge then in one array to get the location we need to use it . we check the $params againt the actual URL . if is the url we need we load the custom css/js .

first i was storing code in database , but for some reason if we have a large and huge system this can make some load , so i have changed to filesystem and the performance is so pretty .

so after the final release of v3.3 i will make it free for all . i let you with some screenshoot


















Good Night :)


Nice work! I will probably use this myself once you release it.


is like a small Vqmod plugin :lol:



wow +1 for this plugin be very useful 


very very usefull ...



Wow that looks cool mate, and would be a great extra for the third party addons I've got so far ;)   5 *****


you will see it in action and you love it .


+1 perfect :)


Not so perfect :D


design a icon logo for it :)

the plugin name is css & javascript toolbox :)


You're on ;) haha give me a few mins.


Edit: Done :D




Ps: Paul mate you need some more 32 icons :D running out lol.


Anouther great plugin from naja7host :)

I will added because I love to mess with CSS and JavaScript and hate to change core files :)

Thanks naja7host :)

all togher we can bring a lot of thing to blesta system ... i have a lot of plugins/modules in my TODO LIST , i'm just waiting the more events to be included in the system .

@Cody , how mush morevent will be in the final release 3.3 ? :)



Although Blesta might be fine with it, it might not be best to use their logo. Some people could think it's a Blesta product.


We've all been doing it since third party stuff was first out :). It's easier to tell it's for Blesta than having random logos, unless it is of course for a third party like TheSSLStore is for that, LogicBoxes is for that, and these are extras for Blesta.

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