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So I had a VPS fail to setup and blesta gave me the error "[API Auto Select] - Error!"


Logging into SolusVM I found the reason for the error.

Node ID 3 Disk Calc - Node inc needed: 107374182400 Limit: 104857600000
Node ID 3      [NOT ENOUGH FREE DISK SPACE]     Only 28320MB Free, 30720MB is needed
- Total current usage is 71680 MB and the limit is 100000 MB
No free nodes found in group Irvine Q59


It would be nice if blesta could give the message like [NOT ENOUGH FREE DISK SPACE]     Only 28320MB Free, 30720MB is needed



Auto select error (No free nodes found in group Irvine Q59)




<status>error</status><statusmsg>Auto select error (No free nodes found in group Irvine Q59)</statusmsg>

Was that the error shown in Blesta after it failed to setup the service?


Typically we show errors returned from the module only if they are known, useful, and user-friendly. Otherwise, we default to displaying a generic error, and its expected you would check the module log for more details.


If we already show the error given by the module, there's not much we can improve. This is the first time I've seen the error message "Auto select error (No free nodes found in group Irvine Q59)", and looking at it, I wouldn't think that it really meant "[NOT ENOUGH FREE DISK SPACE]     Only 28320MB Free, 30720MB is needed", nor could we deduce that that is indeed the cause. If it was indeed the problem, perhaps SolusVM should return a more detailed error response indicating that fact? But most APIs seem to provide generic-type errors that essentially require you to reference their documentation, or contact support, for clarification.


Since the API response error is already displayed, we wouldn't be able to clarify it any better.

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