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today i'm working in settings class for my plugin , i though that is better to make setsetting support array instead of 1 key/value .


why ?


this will help us as developper to add array of setting for one plugin . for exemple

Array (
[0] => stdClass Object ( [key] => amazons3_access_key [value] => [encrypted] => 1 [level] => system )
[1] => stdClass Object ( [key] => amazons3_bucket [value] => [encrypted] => 0 [level] => system )
[XX] => stdClass Object ( [key] => announcement_plugin [value] => Array (
             [0] => stdClass Object ( [key] => setting_1 [value] => true )
             [1] => stdClass Object ( [key] => setting_2 [value] => 325 )
[encrypted] => 0 
[level] => system 

as we can delete this group of setting in one shoot if uninstalling the plugin .






EDIT , i got what i want by a simple tip , so i will share it .


let say you need to add settings to your plugin "my_plugin" ; so :

$value = array('setting_1' => 12 , 'setting_2'=> "desc" , 'setting_3'=> "here some text"); // build the array of setting
$this->Settings->setSetting("my_plugin", serialize($value) , $encrypted = null ); // save the settings 

the magic code here is serialize that convert array to string


when you need to use the setting just call the function

$value = $this->Settings->getSetting("my_plugin");

$vars = unserialize($value->value));

now you have a array of setting inthe $vars .


hope this can help others .


You should probably be using Company::setSetting() instead, since plugins are installed per-company.


Also, you can use setSettings() after you create the settings for quick update. But install/uninstall could just loop through all settings your plugin creates.

$settings = array('setting1', 'setting2', 'setting3');

// uninstall all plugin settings:
foreach ($settings as $setting) {
    $this->Company->unsetSetting($company_id, $setting);


You should probably be using Company::setSetting() instead, since plugins are installed per-company.


Also, you can use setSettings() after you create the settings for quick update. But install/uninstall could just loop through all settings your plugin creates.

$settings = array('setting1', 'setting2', 'setting3');

// uninstall all plugin settings:
foreach ($settings as $setting) {
    $this->Company->unsetSetting($company_id, $setting);


i was inthe road to ASK the question about the company_id and setsettings, as there are no way to make  settings per company .


your comment was in the correct time, i will try and see . 

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