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Support System: Handling Piping From External Mail Provider E.g. Office365




My email server isn't handled locally and is now managed by an external source e.g. Microsoft Office 365 (exchange accounts).

Previously, email piping worked fine normally when mail is handled on the local server, but now, this is out of my control, so I was wondering how do you get the piping system to work, it's a fairly common setup, so hoping someone can point me in the right direction/provide a solution please.

Someone sends an email to support@mydomain.com > It now needs to get sent to the Blesta support system...Hmmmmm??


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Thanks for getting back, what if my server has only 1 domain e.g.  myhostingcompany.com - Also the whole of the server email is handled by Exchange now, due to the MX record change.

Unless you can break down your example a bit more so I can follow.

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Thanks for getting back, what if my server has only 1 domain e.g.  myhostingcompany.com - Also the whole of the server email is handled by Exchange now, due to the MX record change.

Unless you can break down your example a bit more so I can follow.


Oh so you have no other domains to use, I recommend using one of these:

  • POP3
  • IMAP

You just put your mail server stuff in for Microsoft and boom job done. I don't have experience with this however.


Settings for Office 365: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook-help/settings-for-pop-and-imap-access-for-office-365-for-business-or-microsoft-exchange-accounts-HA102908389.aspx

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