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Message added by Michael,

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We have received reports that this developer is not responding to support requests. Some extensions may not be compatible with newer versions of Blesta.

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Hello All .

we bring exclusive content , this time is the Announcement plugin .

A very clean and simple Announcement plugin for Blesta , allows you to post announcements , and make them , Publicly for all or based on clients groups and service's packages.

the plugin can  :

    add/edit/delete Announcement.

    List All Announcements

    Restriced Announcement based on client Group And packages .

    Show widget announcement in client side .

    Option to enable/disable widget in client side.

    Setting to show announcement in full or mixed views.

    Set how much announcement should be displayed in widget client


- show widget announcement in client side . Done

- option to enable/disable widget in client side Done

- set how much announcement should be displayed in widget client Done

- allow share buttons or announcement

- allow client to ignore announcement message .

- hide announcement in widget after X days .

- Add RSS announcements (just the public announcements)

- add setting to show announcement in full or mixed views Done

Some screenshoot :

Admin Side :



Client Side :




client widget :




This Plugin is tested in our test server , no bugs at the moment , in this weekend we will add support for client widget .

as always the installtion steps is :

1 - download the file http://blesta-addons.com/plugin/store/main/item/22/

2 - upload the announcements folder inside plugin directory .

3 - goto plugins , and install Announcements  Plugin .

4 - enjoy the free content .

If anyone wants to have it on their portal you can use this code: (thanks to @Licensecart)

    {% if plugins.announcements %}<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box">
        <a href="{client_url}plugin/announcements/client_main/">
            <div class="well">
                <i class="fa fa-info fa-4x"></i>
                <p>You can see all the latest news here.</p>
    </div>{% endif %}

It will only show up if the module is installed.

This plugin require Basic (Bronze) subscription


Great plugin thanks mate, https://licensecart.com/billing/


If anyone wants to have it on their portal you can use this code:

    {% if plugins.announcements %}<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box">
        <a href="{client_url}plugin/announcements/client_main/">
            <div class="well">
                <i class="fa fa-info fa-4x"></i>
                <p>You can see all the latest news here.</p>
    </div>{% endif %}

It will only show up if the module is installed.


If you would like a different logo without a background, you can save this and upload it in /plugins/announcements/views/default/img/




It looks like: 




BUG: It doesn't like spaces. shows up &nsbp; 


Great plugin thanks mate, https://licensecart.com/billing/


If anyone wants to have it on their portal you can use this code:

    {% if plugins.announcements %}<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box">
        <a href="{client_url}plugin/announcements/client_main/">
            <div class="well">
                <i class="fa fa-info fa-4x"></i>
                <p>You can see all the latest news here.</p>
    </div>{% endif %}

It will only show up if the module is installed.


If you would like a different logo without a background, you can save this and upload it in /plugins/announcements/views/default/img/



BUG: It doesn't like spaces. shows up &nsbp; 


I have the same problem with the knowledge base plugins spaces shows &nsbp;


Another I noticed Is that the delete button does not work. I have uploaded a video here http://youtu.be/mLYnabFtyd0


I have the same problem with the knowledge base plugins spaces shows &nsbp;


Another I noticed Is that the delete button does not work. I have uploaded a video here http://youtu.be/mLYnabFtyd0


i will test it again , ... so wait ..


EDIT , BUG confirmed, maybe a code has been change ,as the first thng i code is add/edit/delete .


i will try resolving it tonight .


Great plugin thanks mate, https://licensecart.com/billing/


If anyone wants to have it on their portal you can use this code:

    {% if plugins.announcements %}<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box">
        <a href="{client_url}plugin/announcements/client_main/">
            <div class="well">
                <i class="fa fa-info fa-4x"></i>
                <p>You can see all the latest news here.</p>
    </div>{% endif %}

It will only show up if the module is installed.


If you would like a different logo without a background, you can save this and upload it in /plugins/announcements/views/default/img/



BUG: It doesn't like spaces. shows up &nsbp; 


i will update the logo in next release ...for the sapce , normmaly the rendered text is done viathe textparser helpers class (blesta core class) , i think it should take care from this , i will make more test , and i think the solution will be $announcement->body = str_replace(" ", " ", $announcement->body);


Wow...you made this fast!  So fast I didn't even get a chance to respond to your initial feature ideas thread (though, I did delay a bit in my reply).


Having annoucements pop up as alerts under the navbar on the portal or in the client area (setting per annoucement?) would be pretty awesome as well, with an option to close them if you'd like (so once someone sees it once they can close it and not see it again).


If anyone would prefer a full page like this:




You can replace /plugins/announcements/views/default/client_main_view.pdt



			// Don't show this container when only rendering the widget section
			if (!$this->Html->ifSet($render_section)) {
				<div class="col-md-12">
					echo $this->Html->ifSet($message);
					$this->WidgetClient->setStyleSheet($this->view_dir . "css/styles.css", array('id' => "announcements_styles"));				
					$this->WidgetClient->create($this->_("ClientMain.view.boxtitle_announcement", true, $this->Html->ifSet($announcement->title)), array('id'=>"announcements_client_main_article"), $this->Html->ifSet($render_section, null));
					<div class="announcement">
							<div class="col-md-3 ">				
								<div class="panel panel-default" id="accordion">
									<ul class="list-group">		
											<a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "plugin/announcements/client_main/");?>"  >
												<?php $this->_("ClientMain.view.root_directory");?>
												<span class="pull-right">
													<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-home"></span>
											<a href="#" >										
												<?php $this->_("ClientMain.view.date");?><?php $this->Html->_($announcement->date_added);?>
												<span class="pull-right">
													<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></span>

						<div class="col-md-12 ">
							<ol class="breadcrumb">
									<a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe($this->base_uri . "plugin/announcements/client_main/index/");?>">
										<?php $this->_("ClientMain.view.root_directory");?>
								<li  class="active" >
									<?php $this->Html->_($announcement->title);?> 			
							<div class="well well-sm">
								<h2><?php $this->Html->_($announcement->title);?></h2>								

							if (!empty($announcement)) {
							<div class="well well-sm">	
								<div class="article_view">
									<?php echo $this->TextParser->encode("markdown", $announcement->body);?>
							else {
								<div class="col-md-12">
									<h3><?php $this->_("ClientMain.view.announcements");?></h3>
									<div class="alert alert-info">
										<p><?php $this->_("ClientMain.view.no_announcement");?></p>
			// Don't show this container when only rendering the widget section
			if (!$this->Html->ifSet($render_section)) {

Great! Thank you! When will your server status plugin come? Or what is the next plugin :P?

i have not yet decided wich one i will code or complete , as i have already some plugins freazed until the next release of v3.3 .

(cloud backup / cookiescuttr / ovh server / admin tools / proxmox)


Wow...you made this fast!  So fast I didn't even get a chance to respond to your initial feature ideas thread (though, I did delay a bit in my reply).


Having annoucements pop up as alerts under the navbar on the portal or in the client area (setting per annoucement?) would be pretty awesome as well, with an option to close them if you'd like (so once someone sees it once they can close it and not see it again).

what i have in my note lists for client area , a widget that will show the new or last announcement , with some settng to select how mush days the announcement shold be appear in client side .

a popup windows can't be done now , until the v3.3 is realsed to benefict from preaction.structure event.

any other suggestion i'm open to it .


what i have in my note lists for client area , a widget that will show the new or last announcement , with some settng to select how mush days the announcement shold be appear in client side .

a popup windows can't be done now , until the v3.3 is realsed to benefict from preaction.structure event.

any other suggestion i'm open to it .


Any server status plugin could be good.. Just uptime monitor or anything via uptimerobot API? Or is this will be more complex?



i think this releated to blesta upgrade v3.3  , is like the TextParser class is not making his role ... i will make frther investigations and tests this night .


Found IT , as i have expected , the textparser has changed the way he work . tonigh the fix will be released , for knowledge base also .


Finnaly is a Textparser bug in v 3.3


i think this releated to blesta upgrade v3.3  , is like the TextParser class is not making his role ... i will make frther investigations and tests this night .


Found IT , as i have expected , the textparser has changed the way he work . tonigh the fix will be released , for knowledge base also .


Finnaly is a Textparser bug in v 3.3


Naja7Host first bug report for 3.3 :D


Just a quick tip:

<?php echo $this->TextParser->encode("markdown", $announcement->body);?>

Should only be called if $announcement->body is markdown text. If it's already HTML (and you trust this HTML because you entered it into the system from a WYSIWYG editor) then just use:

<?php echo $this->Html->ifSet($announcement->body);?>
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