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When i  try  to create a new invoice using,
$response = $api->post("invoices", "add", $vars);
it always shows error like,

Internal error: Failed to retrieve the default valuestdClass Object ( [error] => stdClass Object ( [message] => An unexpected error occured. [response] => Internal error: Failed to retrieve the default value ) )



even if i hard code all the values same error comes

Same problem comes in  Add Acount Section also


Below is the var array  i used.


$vars = array(
        'client_id' => 1,
        'date_billed' => date('2014-08-16 11:04:03'),
        'date_due' => date('2014-08-120 11:04:03'),
        'currency' => "USDD",
        'lines' => array(
                'description' => "Line item #1",
                'amount' => "5.99"
                'description' => "Line item #2",
                'amount' => "3.75",
                'qty' => 2
        'delivery' => array("email")


Usually an internal error regarding a missing default value means that a required parameter is missing, i.e. the system is not receiving a 'vars' parameter.


The solution would be to make sure each parameter is set:

$data = array(
    'vars' => array(
        'client_id' => 1,

$api->post("invoices", "add", $data);



Thanks a lot for the reply. your reply helped us to fix the issue.


I have another issue now,


When i try to create a New Package Group using the code,

$data=array("vars"=>array( "company_id" => 1,"name" => $_POST['names'], "type" => $_POST['type']));
$addgroup = $api->post("package_groups", "add", $data);
it returns  below error.

stdClass Object ( [name] => stdClass Object ( [empty] => Please specify a package group name. ) )

Do you know why i am getting that error?




Thanks a lot for the reply. your reply helped us to fix the issue.


I have another issue now,


When i try to create a New Package Group using the code,

$data=array("vars"=>array( "company_id" => 1,"name" => $_POST['names'], "type" => $_POST['type']));
$addgroup = $api->post("package_groups", "add", $data);
it returns  below error.

stdClass Object ( [name] => stdClass Object ( [empty] => Please specify a package group name. ) )

Do you know why i am getting that error?


Sounds like $_POST['names'] is actually blank. What is the value?


I notice the key is plural, perhaps your form is using "name" rather than "names"?

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