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Reopening http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2872-multicraft-does-not-pick-daemon/

I have created brand new server installs to test.

Server A: Ubuntu 14.04 LAMP server with blesta.

Server B: Ubuntu 14.04 LAMP server with multicraft.

I have attempted to create an order, and the service is created, but no IP assigned.

EDIT: I have found the issue, if the daemon id is anything other then 1 it will not work. Changed to 1 and it works, changed it to 101 and it does not work.


It sounds like 1 is a valid daemon ID, but Is 101 a valid daemon ID? What are valid daemon IDs, and what happens when your attempt to provision on a valid daemon fails?


There is no daemon with the id of 1. Daemon 101 is the only valid id. When not specifying a daemon on a package it does not give an IP, just a port.

If I change the daemon id to 1, then the auto provision works fine.

If I manually specify 101 as the daemon ID in the package it works.

The issue is when left blank to auto pick the daemon on the package it does not work unless the daemon ID is 1.

Its like it is hard coded to pick daemon 1 if there is not one specified.


There is no daemon with the id of 1. Daemon 101 is the only valid id. When not specifying a daemon on a package it does not give an IP, just a port.

If I change the daemon id to 1, then the auto provision works fine.

If I manually specify 101 as the daemon ID in the package it works.

The issue is when left blank to auto pick the daemon on the package it does not work unless the daemon ID is 1.

Its like it is hard coded to pick daemon 1 if there is not one specified.


Have you tried the one in the 3.3 files?


So far it seems to be working.

Is this module the final version, or is there changes still planned?


Only bugs in it will change, as it's a Beta, but nothing new will come into the module yet until 3.4.


What is contained in the module log when you attempt to create the service in both cases (including a daemon ID versus not)?


In the case you do not set a daemon ID, Multicraft chooses one.


ID not Included



When It included the only difference is that it does


Otherwise it does not give the daemon_id api command
It seems as though it does not autopick a daemon, maybe there is a special value you must pass for auto pick(e.g. maybe multicraft expects daemon id of 0 for autopicl, etc.)

Based on the API documentation, no 'special value' need to be entered for a daemon. I wonder though, if you login to the Multicraft panel and go to [settings] -> [Multicraft Status], a list of multicraft daemons are listed. Is "Multircaft Daemon ID 1" among them? i.e. any chance daemon ID 1 exists in Multicraft, which might explain why Multicraft chooses it when not specified otherwise?


I spoke with the guys from Multicraft, and they tell me daemon ID 1 is the default value whether it actually exists or not.


So one must be explicitly set instead. See CORE-1405. In the meantime, a daemon ID should be set as a configurable option for the package.


Cool, we got to the bottom!

I have been using the configurable option in the mean time.


I suggest that you must spesify the daemon in the server settings, like in the configurable options.

Iryyn18.pngMaybe right below the API key.


Now my question/suggestion. Would it be possible to auto pick out of a comma seperated value; the server with the least used memory, or first listed daemon first?


I suggest that you must spesify the daemon in the server settings, like in the configurable options.


I think it's best to not require a daemon to be entered at all.



Now my question/suggestion. Would it be possible to auto pick out of a comma seperated value; the server with the least used memory, or first listed daemon first?


Daemon ID(s) can be set for config options already, which considers memory usage when choosing one. So in that case, you can specify which daemons to use. But for the problematic case that you don't specify a daemon--either you don't care to set any, or you only have one--then the module will choose one of the available daemons you have automatically based on memory usage. That will fix the issue you were having with daemon ID 1, and not require any additional configuration.


The API isn't clear as to whether the daemon is optional or not. It appeared as if it was optional, since you are not required to set one for one to be set, however, as you've discovered, Multicraft defaults to always selecting daemon ID 1. But now that they've cleared up that misconception, we'll have it resolved for the next release.


Multicraft is updated for beta 2 in CORE-1405 to auto-select a daemon if not specified, which will resolve this issue for you. Test it out once beta 2 is released.


Closing this thread as resolved.

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