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Support Issue With Attachments




I'm currently setting up the support ticket system and ran into a little error, not sure if it's a bug or not.

As a guest/unregistered - Using my iPhone, I submitted a ticket to the support system absolutely fine, I did a basic reply as well, all worked...

Then, using my iPhone, I replied, but this time inserted an image to go alongside my response, I got a message back a few minutes later saying 'Support request failed'.

I logged in as a staff member, but the reply was actually received, but there was no attachment.... I tried it again, same procedure, same problem.

Can anyone else replicate this? Seems to struggle with phone attachments, although the text from the email is sent to the support system.



I also find that when sending replies as a staff member with attachements, they don't get attached in email notifcations to the support requestee

13 answers to this question

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See CORE-1274. Attachments are not sent via email, as they may be too large. Instead, attachments can be downloaded via the browser. If you look at this task, you can update your email template to include a link to the ticket if there are any attachments by copying the conditional in the task. I've added it here for reference.

{% if ticket.reply_has_attachments %}
Files have been attached to this ticket reply. You may visit {update_ticket_url} to view the ticket and download the attachments.
{% endif%}
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Attachements are being uploaded fine and can see files uploaded by staff from the Support System in "uploads/1/support_manager_files".

My problem seems to be:

1. Attachements sent via phone/email aren't being added to the ticketing system within the response + get an erranous email (even though text version was sent successfully)


2. Attachments from staff replies from the system are not being attached to emails notifications to the client.

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Attachements are being uploaded fine and can see files uploaded by staff from the Support System in "uploads/1/support_manager_files".

My problem seems to be:

1. Attachements sent via phone/email aren't being added to the ticketing system within the response + get an erranous email (even though text version was sent successfully)


2. Attachments from staff replies from the system are not being attached to emails notifications to the client.


Check that your temp directory, as defined under Settings > System > General is correct and writable. It should start and end with a forward slash, ie /tmp/. If files are not being written when emailed in, then your mail server user may be different, and you may need to set appropriate permissions on your uploads directory, as well as your temp directory.

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Thank you.

OK, we've got some progress here, I changed the /tmp/ location, as a test and people can now email attachments and they appear within the support centre, great!.... Which leaves 1 outstanding issue...

When replying to a ticket from within the system as a staff member and adding an attachment, that attchment still does not get attached to email notifcations to clients:
Attachment: test.jpg

- Thanks for your email, I've now provided SSH access to your account, I've attached a form you'll need to sign

Email received by client would just be, the following, e.g. no attachment:
- Thanks for your email, I've now provided SSH access to your account, I've attached a form you'll need to sign.

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FYI, the conditional Paul described hasn't been added yet, and wouldn't work. But you can refer them to the ticket {update_ticket_url} so they can see it.


good to know, any idea if it's going to make it into 3.3 as projected?


/me removes conditional from template

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good to know, any idea if it's going to make it into 3.3 as projected?


/me removes conditional from template


I would say so as 3.3 is very close to beta, so if it wasn't it would be under 3.4 :)

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which is why I asked, 3.3 might be on a feature freeze since it's so close so figured I'd ask :)


Yeah, sorry about that. I didn't realize the variable wasn't available to the template.


3.3 is in a feature freeze, and as of just now we have a 3.3.0-b1 build that's in QA.

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