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Hi guys, I have been trying to setup backups but no luck. Mysqldump Is installed and I have successfully connected with my amazon S3 Servers. But yet no backups actually run, I have tried setting for 1 hour but no luck. Any Ideas on what could be wrong.



17 answers to this question

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If you try to download the backup manually, does it work? Settings > System > Backup > Download Backup


When you click the "Test These Settings" link for Amazon S3, is it successful?

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If you try to download the backup manually, does it work? Settings > System > Backup > Download Backup


When you click the "Test These Settings" link for Amazon S3, is it successful?

Any suggestion on what I should do? 

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If you can't download the backup manually, sending over SFTP or Amazon S3 is definitely not going to work, so that's where to start.


Check that your temp directory as defined under Setting > System > General is correct and writable. Then, double check that mysqldump exists and can be executed by your cron user and web server user. Finally, I believe Blesta may be looking in /usr/bin/mysqldump for mysqldump. If it exists in a different location, try creating a symlink. ie

ln -s /your/path/to/mysqldump /usr/bin/mysqldump
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If you can't download the backup manually, sending over SFTP or Amazon S3 is definitely not going to work, so that's where to start.


Check that your temp directory as defined under Setting > System > General is correct and writable. Then, double check that mysqldump exists and can be executed by your cron user and web server user. Finally, I believe Blesta may be looking in /usr/bin/mysqldump for mysqldump. If it exists in a different location, try creating a symlink. ie

ln -s /your/path/to/mysqldump /usr/bin/mysqldump


Hi Paul. I have verified that the path is set correctly and mysqldump runs ok. But yet still the backups are not running. I have also detected that logs are not clearing too.

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If logs are not clearing (You mean log rotation?), then I wonder if there is something wrong with your cron. If you go to Settings > Company > Automation, and look at the times tasks are running, do they appear to be running regularly and on time?


Does running the manual backup still not work? If not, have you checked that your temp directory is writable by your web server? Some people may need to move their temp directory to within their website, typically just above the docroot. For example, the default temp directory is /tmp/, but you may need to move it under your account, ie something like /home/user/temp/. You can update this under Settings > System > General

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If logs are not clearing (You mean log rotation?), then I wonder if there is something wrong with your cron. If you go to Settings > Company > Automation, and look at the times tasks are running, do they appear to be running regularly and on time?


Does running the manual backup still not work? If not, have you checked that your temp directory is writable by your web server? Some people may need to move their temp directory to within their website, typically just above the docroot. For example, the default temp directory is /tmp/, but you may need to move it under your account, ie something like /home/user/temp/. You can update this under Settings > System > General


I have transfered the tmp directory, chmod it to 777, It's writable, I checked the cron, and It looks fine. It shows that It just ran 5 minutes ago. Checked under automation and everything seems fine. But yet It doesn't work, I tried again manual back up and it didn't work as well as the amazon backup

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I have transfered the tmp directory, chmod it to 777, It's writable, I checked the cron, and It looks fine. It shows that It just ran 5 minutes ago. Checked under automation and everything seems fine. But yet It doesn't work, I tried again manual back up and it didn't work as well as the amazon backup


Does your cron user have SSH access? You can try to SSH in as that user, and see if you can execute mysqldump. If it's not executable by your user, that would prevent it from being able to create a backup.

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Blesta assumes the mysqldump binary is in the system path (e.g. executable from anywhere).


Try the following command (replacing HOST, USER, PASSWORD, and DATABASENAME) with their appropriate values.

mysqldump --host="HOST" --user="USER" --password="PASSWORD" DATABASENAME > dump.sql
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Blesta assumes the mysqldump binary is in the system path (e.g. executable from anywhere).


Try the following command (replacing HOST, USER, PASSWORD, and DATABASENAME) with their appropriate values.

mysqldump --host="HOST" --user="USER" --password="PASSWORD" DATABASENAME > dump.sql


Thanks, will give It a try now.  ;)

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Hi, We have noticed that CPU usage is high on cpanel accounts which I installed Blesta, I have Installed a dev installation on a separate cpanel and still have the same problem of high CPU usage.Ranges mostly between 80-90%. We upgraded one of the accounts to


Original -
CPU: 1 core of 100%
IOPS: 2Mbps

New -
CPU: 4 cores of 100%
IOPS: 20Mbps


However this did not resolve the issue.

I also increased the timeout for MySQL and PHP to a very large value in case those were causing the issue, however this also did not resolve the issue.

I double checked certain functions such as open_basedir was enabled for the account, however it also did not resolve the issue.


I have also set the full path for mysqldump in the app/models/backup.php and still the issue remains where the dump is blank. I have also set the proper privileges for the database user. I even tested this with mycpanel user and made a backup manually and it was successful:


myusername@lansing02 [~/public_html/tmp]# du -h testbackup2.sql
83M testbackup2.sql


We highly Believe it not a server side setting affecting this.


Please assist

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It's probably not the server and it's not Blesta, install htop (yum install htop) and see what's using it, I bet it's a MySQL issue.


Will consider It, but the problem remains, backups don't run. Even on a fresh Install.


Edit; i just found the source of the high CPU Usage, whenever there Is a backup request being executed It causes a very high CPU usage.

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Will consider It, but the problem remains, backups don't run. Even on a fresh Install.


Edit; i just found the source of the high CPU Usage, whenever there Is a backup request being executed It causes a very high CPU usage.


Have a look at this: https://www.akeebabackup.com/support/akeeba-backup-3x/8988-s3-upload-fails-and-in-addition-kills-server-with-mod-fcgid.html not sure if it matches your issue.

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Sorry for the late reply, We used the command and backups were generated (but not via blesta)


Did you run the mysqldump command using the same user that your webserver runs as? That's probably your problem right there. The user that the webserver runs as is either:


  • Unable to execute mysqldump, or
  • Unable to write to the temp directory you have configured in Blesta.

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