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This is something I noticed a while ago, and just ran into again while importing a bunch of existing accounts I have.


After a client orders a service, the service only shows up as pending after the invoice is paid and the order is approved.


While this is sometimes instant, there are many times when things need to be manually processed, so for these cases, there is nothing that shows the status of the actual order to the client via their panel.


In my opinion, services that have been ordered should show up somewhere under their services tab...but right now, services that have not been paid, or that have not been approved just don't show up at all.  This isn't a huge issue, but it does sometimes result in wasted work when the client emails/chats/opens a ticket to ask about the status...when it could easily just be displayed as pending.


As an example, the below image shows what I just setup in my system.  This client currently has 10 services (5 active, 4 pending payment, 1 paid awaiting approval), but in the client area...in only shows 5 services, rather than 5 active and 5 pending.





This is something I noticed a while ago, and just ran into again while importing a bunch of existing accounts I have.


After a client orders a service, the service only shows up as pending after the invoice is paid and the order is approved.


While this is sometimes instant, there are many times when things need to be manually processed, so for these cases, there is nothing that shows the status of the actual order to the client via their panel.


In my opinion, services that have been ordered should show up somewhere under their services tab...but right now, services that have not been paid, or that have not been approved just don't show up at all.  This isn't a huge issue, but it does sometimes result in wasted work when the client emails/chats/opens a ticket to ask about the status...when it could easily just be displayed as pending.


As an example, the below image shows what I just setup in my system.  This client currently has 10 services (5 active, 4 pending payment, 1 paid awaiting approval), but in the client area...in only shows 5 services, rather than 5 active and 5 pending.


There's going to be a notice staying there's 5 services pending review or something. like the Make payment alert. CORE-1228


Thanks, didn't see that one :), good to see it's on the list.


Though I think adding them to the pending services number count would be a good thing to do as well, since they are techincally pending.


I think the status of those services is 'in review', which is a custom status the order plugin creates for these kinds of services. The Blesta core isn't aware that that custom status exists, and plugins don't have a method by which to integrate themselves into other core widgets, which is why the CORE-1228 solution is to show a message elsewhere on the page instead.


I think the status of those services is 'in review', which is a custom status the order plugin creates for these kinds of services. The Blesta core isn't aware that that custom status exists, and plugins don't have a method by which to integrate themselves into other core widgets, which is why the CORE-1228 solution is to show a message elsewhere on the page instead.


While showing it somewhere else will work, wouldn't it more more uniform if the status was also made available to the core and the plugins, that way in addition to showing it somewhere else, it would be added right next to all of the other services status's so the status of all services can be seen with a quick glance?


Like adding a section for "In Review" right here:


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