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Blesta Ingore App_Controller.php For Client's Language

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i have tested it in so many browsers , devices , with the same result  .


blesta is not taking in consideration AppController.lang.dir direction set in language folder if the language is not en_us .


to duplicate the bugs ;


install new language , change the direction from ltr to rtl , enter in client area as user (with username/password of the user ) , change the language to the new one , check the html output , yo will find is still ltr .


the en_su language work fine .


note the default language shouldnotbe the same as the client's language .



NOTE : the languages difinition work with no probleme , this is related to the direction . what i have arrive to it , is blesta take the direction from default installed language instead of the user/staff language in thier setting .


i have already reported this but i have not maked a deep analyse for what is the probleme in that time http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3055-multilanguage-site-bug/ .

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