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Hello Again
LAST UPDATE : 31-08-2014 , Release 1.0.1
another time we bring free and exclusive content , this time is knowledge Base plugin .
Knowledge Base plugin provides the ability to create, maintain, and publish articles/categories . Knowledge Base articles can cover a variety of topics like case resolutions or frequently asked questions and can be for internal purposes .
the plugin can  :
    add/edit/delete Categories
    add/edit/delete Articles
    List All Categories/Articles
    Support Multi-level , we suggest use 2 level maximum .
    List latest / Popular Articles in client side .
Some screenshoot :
Admin Area - Liste Categories
Admin area - Liste Articles (page with ajax request)
Admin Area : Add Article
Client Side : page index
Client Side : View Article
This Plugin Will remain as it , we will not provide more release , as the core one http://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-994   is in the road .
but if there are any potentiel  issue we will fix it .
as always the installtion steps is :
1 - download the file https://github.com/Blesta-Addons/knowledge-base .
2 - upload the knowledgebase folder inside plugin directory .
3 - goto plugins , and install knowledge base Plugin .
4 - enjoy the free content .
The Plugins / Modules take from us a lot of time , so any donation are welcome .


it was , but when we have thinked in  sub categories , we have moved to the accordion effect with this style .


also it was a lot to do from  us , icons , rrs feeds , share links, rate system . but as the blesta is under coding a core one we have stopped adding more to this .


but in the basic , is doing the job as it should : )


Great plugin :)


Having the same issue that Donn has. Im going to try to trace the problem :)  back in a second :P

i hev found the probleme ... the language file was not all uploaded by github

i will update the reposity now


Solution ;)



Open the file 
Remove all content from it and replace with this:

// Errors
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!error.parent_id.exists'] = "The selected parent category does not exist.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!error.parent_id.loop'] = "The selected parent category may not be the category itself.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!error.company_id.exists'] = "Invalid company ID.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!error.name.empty'] = "Please enter a category name.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!error.description.empty'] = "Please enter a category description.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!error.category_id.exists'] = "The category being updated does not exist.";

 * Knowledge base manage plugin language

// Global
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.next_version'] = "This Feature is NOT available in this version.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.select.please'] = " --- Please Select --- ";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.select.none'] = "None";

// Success messages
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!success.category_added'] = "The category has been successfully created.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!success.category_updated'] = "The category has been successfully updated.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!success.category_deleted'] = "The category has been successfully deleted.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!success.article_added'] = "The article has been successfully added.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!success.article_updated'] = "The article has been successfully updated.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!success.article_deleted'] = "The article has been successfully deleted.";

// Modal
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.modal.delete_article'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this article?";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.modal.delete_category'] = "Are you sure you want to delete this category? All subcategories and articles within this category will be moved to the parent category.";

// Index
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.index.page_title'] = "Knowledge Base > Manage";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.index.boxtitle_Knowledgebase'] = "Knowledge Base";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.index.add_category'] = "Add Category";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.index.add_article'] = "Add Article";

$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.index.root_categories'] = "Knowledge Base Home";

$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.index.articles'] = "Articles";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.index.categories'] = "Categories";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.index.settings'] = "Settings";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.index.permissions'] = "Permissions";

// Articles
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.articles.page_title'] = "Knowledge Base > Articles";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.articles.boxtitle_articles'] = "Articles";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.articles.no_articles'] = "There are no Article in KB database.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.articles.heading_article'] = "ID";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.articles.heading_title'] = "Title";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.articles.heading_category_name'] = "Category";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.articles.heading_date_added'] = "Date Added";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.articles.heading_views'] = "Views";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.articles.heading_options'] = "Options";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.articles.edit'] = "Edit";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.articles.delete'] = "Delete";

// Categories
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.categories.page_title'] = "Knowledge Base > Categories";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.categories.boxtitle_categories'] = "Categories";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.categories.no_categories'] = "There are no categories in this section.";

$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.categories.heading_category_id'] = "ID";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.categories.heading_parent_id'] = "Parent Category";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.categories.heading_name'] = "Name";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.categories.heading_description'] = "Description";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.categories.heading_options'] = "Options";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.categories.edit'] = "Edit";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.categories.delete'] = "Delete";

// Add category
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.addcategory.page_title'] = "Knowledge Base > Add Category";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.addcategory.boxtitle_root'] = "Add Category"; // %1$s is the name of the root directory
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.addcategory.boxtitle_addcategory'] = "Add Category"; // %1$s is the name of the category that this category is to be nested under
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.addcategory.parent_id'] = "Parent Category";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.addcategory.field_name'] = "Name";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.addcategory.field_description'] = "Description";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.addcategory.submit_add'] = "Create Category";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.addcategory.submit_cancel'] = "Cancel";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.addcategory.select.please'] = "Select Or leave Empty";

// Edit category
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.editcategory.page_title'] = "Knowledge Base > Update Category";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.editcategory.boxtitle_editcategory'] = "Update Category [%1\$s]"; // %1$s is the name of the category
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.editcategory.field_name'] = "Name";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.editcategory.field_description'] = "Description";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.editcategory.submit_edit'] = "Update Category";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.editcategory.submit_cancel'] = "Cancel";

// Add Article
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.addarticle.page_title'] = "Knowledge Base > Add Article";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.addarticle.boxtitle_addarticle'] = "Add Article";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.addarticle.category_id'] = "Category";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.addarticle.body'] = "Article Body";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.addarticle.title'] = "Article Title";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.addarticle.submit_add'] = "Add Article";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.addarticle.submit_cancel'] = "Cancel";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.addarticle.field_description_text'] = "Text";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.addarticle.field_description_html'] = "HTML";

// Edit Article
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.editarticle.page_title'] = "Knowledge Base > Edit Article";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.editarticle.boxtitle_editarticle'] = "Edit Article";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.editarticle.category_id'] = "Category";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.editarticle.body'] = "Article Body";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.editarticle.title'] = "Article Title";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.editarticle.submit_edit'] = "Update Article";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.editarticle.submit_cancel'] = "Cancel";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.editarticle.field_description_text'] = "Text";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.editarticle.field_description_html'] = "HTML";

// Settings
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.settings.page_title'] = "Knowledge Base > Settings";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.settings.boxtitle_settings'] = "Settings"; // %1$s is the name of the category that this category is to be nested under

// Permissions
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.permissions.page_title'] = "Knowledge Base > Permissions";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.permissions.boxtitle_permissions'] = "Permissions"; // %1$s is the name of the category that this category is to be nested under

// Tooltips
// $lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!tooltip.path_to_file'] = "Enter the absolute path to the file on the file system.";


Hope that helps ;)


Now im going to test it eheh :P


reposity has been updated . knowledgebase_plugin.php has been added to the language folder .



You forgot to include in the same file te error messages :)

// Errors
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!error.parent_id.exists'] = "The selected parent category does not exist.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!error.parent_id.loop'] = "The selected parent category may not be the category itself.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!error.company_id.exists'] = "Invalid company ID.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!error.name.empty'] = "Please enter a category name.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!error.description.empty'] = "Please enter a category description.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!error.category_id.exists'] = "The category being updated does not exist.";

You forgot to include in the same file te error messages :)

// Errors
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!error.parent_id.exists'] = "The selected parent category does not exist.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!error.parent_id.loop'] = "The selected parent category may not be the category itself.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!error.company_id.exists'] = "Invalid company ID.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!error.name.empty'] = "Please enter a category name.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!error.description.empty'] = "Please enter a category description.";
$lang['KnowledgebasePlugin.!error.category_id.exists'] = "The category being updated does not exist.";

the error messgae is loaded with models/knowledgebase_categories.php and the same with articles .

the problemesimply was i have changed the knowledgebase_plugin.php to admin_main.php and forget to change it in the controller admin_main.php

all now was fixed in github .


the error messgae is loaded with models/knowledgebase_categories.php and the same with articles .

the problemesimply was i have changed the knowledgebase_plugin.php to admin_main.php and forget to change it in the controller admin_main.php

all now was fixed in github .



No, there are still missing   :)  see below the screenshot.

In my post #9 above is the complete missing lines  ;)


Error Message:




Just to say to naja7host, this is one of the best Plugins out there :)


Very, very usefull, and we will use it in our production enviorment for our custummers :)


Many thanks once agian naja7host for your hard work :)


Keep it comming ;)





Just to say to naja7host, this is one of the best Plugins out there :)


Very, very usefull, and we will use it in our production enviorment for our custummers :)


Many thanks once agian naja7host for your hard work :)


Keep it comming ;)





Thanks ,


glade to hear i will help you ....




Not so useable now. I created an article. But i mistype something. Now i clicked to articles > then edit. After that the plugin droped me to the settings tab.


How to edit articles?


Not so useable now. I created an article. But i mistype something. Now i clicked to articles > then edit. After that the plugin droped me to the settings tab.


How to edit articles?

you can edit the articles from the articles tabs . when you save change it return you to the index page .


you can edit the articles from the articles tabs . when you save change it return you to the index page .


But the edit not working.. when i click to it , its drop to me the settings tab... So i cant edit my articles :S. None of them!


you can edit the articles from the articles tabs . when you save change it return you to the index page .


Thats a bug.. for me. Now i could edit the articles but all of them have the same ID , and i cant edit... all of them is ID 3 , but i have ID 1-2-3.. etc.




How you have created the article ?

The ID is incrementale , so normally should not be double !!!

setField("id", array('type'=>"int", 'size'=>10, 'unsigned'=>true, 'auto_increment'=>true))->


How you have created the article ?

The ID is incrementale , so normally should not be double !!!

setField("id", array('type'=>"int", 'size'=>10, 'unsigned'=>true, 'auto_increment'=>true))->


Add article > add article.




But if i edit manually.. i could edit it.


All article ID is 3 thats show.. but in the real i could edit all of them correctly:



change to



example.. so have to fix this issue i think.,

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