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One Domain Package Per Extension Or Per Price?



In order to be compatible with the new miraculous and mythical Blesta domain pricing manager ;), should we organise domain packages per price or per extension?


During a WH*CS import, one package per extension is created, but if we create a package manually, we can add as many extensions that we like to a package, as long as they all sell at the same price and use the same registrar.


With the one package per price approach, we end up with one duplicate per registrar and per price + one package per exception

  • $20 domains at Netim
  • $20 domains at Namecheap
  • $40 domains at Netim
  • $40 domains at Namecheap
  • $500 .tm at OVH
  • ...

It's a bit messy


With the one package per extension approach, we end up with hundreds of packages, which is totally unmanageable via Blesta at the moment. Even with a pricing manager which can apply price slabs to groups of packages, who wants to have to manage hundreds of packages?


So, I'm hoping for the new way to manage domains to be like this:

  • domain packages can still be built the way they are today, one package can include all the extensions we want to offer in that package. It could be useful to be able to offer different groups of domains to different types of customers. An extension can belong to several packages, etc.
  • there is no domain pricing in the domain packages anymore if discounts can be applied on order forms for certain packages
  • domain pricing is defined in a new domain pricing manager, which for each extension allows us to select a registrar and the price for each operation and the number of years. That module will be smart and full of goodies to make it easy to make changes to similarly priced domains


With such a configuration, we would only have a couple of domains packages, but I reckon, most people would only have one.


So, is this where Blesta is going or is it best to fill our packages list with extension packages?

8 answers to this question

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Per TLD! Just like you do per package for cPanel / InterWorx / DirectAdmin / etc.


Remember the registrar won't know which domain to pick if you have multiple. The boxes is to ensure you pick the right one :). I know it's confusing so please don't take my reply in a bad way :).

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I hope not :S


It is, you try registering a domain via the module you'll get a error or maybe 3 domains registered :) not tried it but I take it that will happen.

To do what you're planing to this:


Order form: Enom / Etc.

Then do .com - Enom (Package name)


tick box the .com


The .com will be displayed on the domain order form.

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It is, you try registering a domain via the module you'll get a error or maybe 3 domains registered :) not tried it but I take it that will happen.

If that were the case, then Blesta would not let us select multiple domains per package. All domains would be in a dropdown or everything would be greyed out as soon as you select one.

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If that were the case, then Blesta would not let us select multiple domains per package. All domains would be in a dropdown or everything would be greyed out as soon as you select one.


Try it if you don't believe me.

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you can setup multiple extention for one package , but the tld should have the same price as you sell , if you sell .com/net/org/info with the same price , you can group them in one package .

blesta staff know that the domain management need and complete re-write , for that they are making it a new system for domains , i hope it can be done in 3.3 at the end of this mounth .

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you can setup multiple extention for one package , but the tld should have the same price as you sell , if you sell .com/net/org/info with the same price , you can group them in one package .

blesta staff know that the domain management need and complete re-write , for that they are making it a new system for domains , i hope it can be done in 3.3 at the end of this mounth .


Just tested and customers can order one domain just fine even though the package has been defined to handle many.

So the original question remains.


Sorry I've been made corrected haha.

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