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Virtualizor And Interac Modules Needed Before I Purchase Blesta





We have a bug in our whmcs.  ...we cannot use it anymore, and whmcs support don't know what to do to fix this, so they ask us to wait since 3 weeks for a manager who never replied to our ticket.


It's no longer a good solution for us, and we would like to migrate to Blesta.


But if we migrate to Blesta, we will loose theses features, and cannot live without.  We require : 


- Interac online (we are using http://internetsecure.com  but we may change our provider if required.  The InternetSecure module for whmcs we have is unencrypted and hold i a single file (less than 100 lines).  I assume it wouldn't take more than a couple of hours to convert this into a Blesta module).


- Virtualizor Module (makes a while it's supposed to be available, as per your forum - any news?)


Is there any beta versions of Virtualizor/Interac modules we can start using right now?


How can i continue to accept Interac payments?  Most of our clients enjoy the fact they can pay using their debit card.


Thank you,



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Two other things are missing i can see : 





We cannot really move without OpenSRS.  we have too many domains with them :)  


thank you



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Why you need InternetSecure? Its cost you money monthly go with Beanstream or PSIGate they both offer free merchant now.

From what i hear when i was Helcim.com client that Elavon will discontinue InternetSecure.

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Hourrah :) The Virtualizor module is now available on Blesta : http://www.virtualizor.com/wiki/Blesta_Module


Public and Private "Cloud alike"  : Love it :)


They are apparently working on HA also. with a couple of modifications to the plugin (i.e. : send email upon action) it rocks!


But, i still require OpenSRS : i wouldn't change this provider at all.   


Will be waiting for some good news on this.  ...but when it comes available, i'll purchase Blesta 4 sure :)

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But, i still require OpenSRS : i wouldn't change this provider at all.   


Will be waiting for some good news on this.  ...but when it comes available, i'll purchase Blesta 4 sure :)


PauloV has the attention to made a openSRS module , he posted that in other thread , just search to see the thread about this .

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