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1 - when we using a custom template/theme , if a template pdt file is missing , better load the default one shipped with blesta (boostrap/default ) (is the same as language role loading ) , this also will help themers to not stack with every release , and they will include just the modified templates files rather than all the files to the theme package .

2 - is better to make bootsrap and font-awesome as vendors , and let the themers/coders include it .it will help also in update versions .

3 - add ability to theme to include thier own file language , this can help in multilangue site . now if i want to add custom phrases to template i need to write it directly , but if it is as a language file inside the theme , it will be better for transalating to multi language.

4 - why not a custom controllers/models for template , if we need to write own php function for some widget template , ajax , custom code , that will help to produce more interactive theme .

5 - thanks :) .

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