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Auto Assign Tickets To Staff Who Replied First ?





When a ticket is replied by the 1st staff then Blesta should automatically assign that ticket to that staff but instead it keeps on showing it as Unassigned.



5 answers to this question

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If Here is take option then staff can take this ticket and it will Assign Ticket to him also he can change after make some change Like Level I reply then send to DC theam to check farther review then login and take DC team staff then ticket assign to DC staff.

also share what are you thinking about that.your feedback value able to me and blesta feature. 






When a ticket is replied by the 1st staff then Blesta should automatically assign that ticket to that staff but instead it keeps on showing it as Unassigned.



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Yes this is a new feature request please post there, this would be a pain for some companies so maybe a optional feature. I myself don't want to be assigned to all the tickets myself, I would like my staff to reply too.

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When a ticket is replied by the 1st staff then Blesta should automatically assign that ticket to that staff but instead it keeps on showing it as Unassigned.





Wen replying you can choose the staff to assign. Also there is a log entry that the STAFF name as answerd that ticket, its only one extra click on replying :)


I thinks is better this way, because if you really whant to assign to you or any outher staff, you can choose so, if not, you dont need to do anything, and anouther staff can also continue replying the same ticket if the client answers it ;)

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Can i alter the staff dropdown and remove the Not Assigned option ? So when the dropdown is populated it selects the staff by default instead of Not Assigned ?



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