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For any fans out there of footbal :)


Im Portuguese and this is the first game for Portugal  (Portugal VS Germany), that as started now, making a break to watch it eheh ;)


Do you like football, wat is your favorite theme?

Edited by PauloV

Been watching it from the start, France was amazing and luckly won, even though it should have been 4 - 0. England was pathetic and was defending more than attacking and lost to Italy 2 -1. Brazil did amazing for the grand opening. Portugal lost a good player due to the Germans being sneeky and faking an attack, the player retaliated and got a red card, then it just was poor effort then on, but it is hard playing another good team with 10 men.


I do hope Brazil, Portugal or Spain win it this year, England won't get far in my honest opinion same team near enough to 2010 and we lost to Germany ourselves.


Been watching it from the start, France was amazing and luckly won, even though it should have been 4 - 0. England was pathetic and was defending more than attacking and lost to Italy 2 -1. Brazil did amazing for the grand opening. Portugal lost a good player due to the Germans being sneeky and faking an attack, the player retaliated and got a red card, then it just was poor effort then on, but it is hard playing another good team with 10 men.


I do hope Brazil, Portugal or Spain win it this year, England won't get far in my honest opinion same team near enough to 2010 and we lost to Germany ourselves.



Me to, Im watching every games that I can :)  I have watchet Brazil, that I think Brazil deserved to lose in my opinion :)


England as invented Football, (some say it was Chineses or Greeks), so England as to do more in the World Cup :)


Portugal, lost, and was Portugal fault, they didnt do anything to win, and the Red Card was deserved, he even if it was a fake attack, he never had to go head to head on im lol, lest see on Sunday wath Portugal will do, now that 3 of the best players will not play, one Red Card and two injuries.


football is 11 players , not just 1 :)

my country was absent from 1998 :(

i will write a plugin for it to participate in 2018 :)



Yes, I wasbeing ironic, wen I say "Cristiano Ronaldo", If i say Portugal, maybe no one knows, but If I say Cristiano Ronaldo, almos every one knows lol.

I like Cristiano Ronaldo, because he do everything he can to win, even if is very self center, he always want to do everything alone lol

Portugal as a "Dream Team" but event hen, they dont know how to play togetter :)


Is to bad that your country was absent :( World Cup as to include every country and not only some :(


lol, yes write a plugin, I will made an Order Form with a litle football as a slider eheh :P


What do you think about the dutch team..?


They are a very strong team, and they win without any doubt against Portugal, but of course, I hope Portugal wins the next 2 games (and Germany looses the next games eheh) :P


Im not a football fanatic, but I like to see games wen my Country is in it :), but if they loose, well, life goes on ;)


The USA beat Ghana yesterday, people were watching it in the hotel here in Miami (At Hostingcon) and it got pretty loud when the USA scored point 2 of the game and won 2-1.


Some people on the plane from Los Angeles to Miami were continuing their flights to Brazil for the World Cup. Sounds like fun!


The USA beat Ghana yesterday, people were watching it in the hotel here in Miami (At Hostingcon) and it got pretty loud when the USA scored point 2 of the game and won 2-1.


Some people on the plane from Los Angeles to Miami were continuing their flights to Brazil for the World Cup. Sounds like fun!


Off topic: Was the Hostingcon worth it? I have seen some news about the onapp new "next big ting" CDN I supose, that seems the only company showing anything good, (WHMCS didnt show anything that we could be impressed in the new client area, but in the latest WHMCS update it show something new and impressive, now it breaks the Pro-Forma Invoices, and still isent fixed lol), and cPanel as shown the new paperlantern theme responsive, that its kind of cool, but very confusing for new clients.


On topic: Yes, great game, I also have seen the Barzil VS Maxico and it was a great game also, and a great result 0-0 :)


Off topic: Was the Hostingcon worth it? I have seen some news about the onapp new "next big ting" CDN I supose, that seems the only company showing anything good, (WHMCS didnt show anything that we could be impressed in the new client area, but in the latest WHMCS update it show something new and impressive, now it breaks the Pro-Forma Invoices, and still isent fixed lol), and cPanel as shown the new paperlantern theme responsive, that its kind of cool, but very confusing for new clients.


Yeah it was good. Cody and Tyson wanted to stay in California and work on Blesta 3.3, so I brought my wife. :)


I stopped by the cPanel/WHMCS booth for 10 min or so and talked with Matt and their team. The responsive bootstrap interface is something they pretty much had to do, and it looks alright.. overall probably a net positive for them. Don't forget, we did that already with 3.2 -- they can follow the leader. ;)


Yeah it was good. Cody and Tyson wanted to stay in California and work on Blesta 3.3, so I brought my wife. :)


I stopped by the cPanel/WHMCS booth for 10 min or so and talked with Matt and their team. The responsive bootstrap interface is something they pretty much had to do, and it looks alright.. overall probably a net positive for them. Don't forget, we did that already with 3.2 -- they can follow the leader. ;)


I thought it was awful myself looks just like bootstrap just their logo and their insecure php included on it. Blesta is fully customizable and you wouldn't know it was Bootstrap.


I thought it was awful myself looks just like bootstrap just their logo and their insecure php included on it. Blesta is fully customizable and you wouldn't know it was Bootstrap.


Blesta is definitely better, and while their implementation is pretty basic it's still better than what they had. With all the developers they have working on their software now, I think people would expect better. We do more with fewer people, they are chasing their tails.


Blesta is definitely better, and while their implementation is pretty basic it's still better than what they had. With all the developers they have working on their software now, I think people would expect better. We do more with fewer people, they are chasing their tails.



We still use WHMCS, (because we have to, until Blesta 3.3 release, price overide and pro-forma invoices), and we are struggling to put WHMCS working 90%, domains reminders not being sent sometimes since 5.0, multi select box not working (we didnt upgrade to the latest 5.3.7 that break Pro-Forma invoices), Email Import as tickets dosent decode latin characters since ever, Data Base is in ISO-8859-1, we didnt know in the begining that was better to use UTF-8, well we just have to live with it a few more weeks :) Just see WHMCS Facebook page with all bad support, and WebHostingTalk latests posts that people are talking that WHMCS is focus on Better Theme than Fixing Bugs, somehow remindes me Modernbill that was "killed" wen was purchased, I think the same thing will happening with WHMCS+cPanel union.


Few people (Devs) = Better Work = Better Hosting Billing System = Blesta

More People (Devs) = Confusing Work = Buggy Hosting Billing System = WHMCS


I still cant understand wen pople say "WHMCS as more options than Blesta" lol, they have to think "What option do I need that Blesta dosent Have?"


One thing in common on all that say that is:


Blesta dosent have Price Overide

Blesta dosent have Pro-Forma Invoices

Blesta dosent have Pro-Rated Invoice system


Well the answer will be in Blesta 3.3 :)


We still use WHMCS, (because we have to, until Blesta 3.3 release, price overide and pro-forma invoices), and we are struggling to put WHMCS working 90%, domains reminders not being sent sometimes since 5.0, multi select box not working (we didnt upgrade to the latest 5.3.7 that break Pro-Forma invoices), Email Import as tickets dosent decode latin characters since ever, Data Base is in ISO-8859-1, we didnt know in the begining that was better to use UTF-8, well we just have to live with it a few more weeks :) Just see WHMCS Facebook page with all bad support, and WebHostingTalk latests posts that people are talking that WHMCS is focus on Better Theme than Fixing Bugs, somehow remindes me Modernbill that was "killed" wen was purchased, I think the same thing will happening with WHMCS+cPanel union.


Few people (Devs) = Better Work = Better Hosting Billing System = Blesta

More People (Devs) = Confusing Work = Buggy Hosting Billing System = WHMCS


I still cant understand wen pople say "WHMCS as more options than Blesta" lol, they have to think "What option do I need that Blesta dosent Have?"


One thing in common on all that say that is:


Blesta dosent have Price Overide

Blesta dosent have Pro-Forma Invoices

Blesta dosent have Pro-Rated Invoice system


Well the answer will be in Blesta 3.3 :)


They are living in the past, they are suckers to be honest and it will hit them, WHM** is buggy because Matt did it on his own for starters, he started it learning to do PHP back in 2005, then it grew. And because a poor coder did it it's unsecure, and the only way would be to re-write it which they won't do why?

- Costs

- Complaints because of lack of modules / gateways / etc and most won't be supported.


So they have to suffer but until a big attack (Exploit) or their data open in the wild they don't care and won't listen to us.


This thread got sort of off topic, but the OP doesn't seem to mind. :)


I made it back home safely, 4800+ miles traveled. Saw lots of cool people at HostingCon, and lots of girls in bikini's on the streets of Miami. Glad to be back though, energized for 3.3.


This thread got sort of off topic, but the OP doesn't seem to mind. :)


I made it back home safely, 4800+ miles traveled. Saw lots of cool people at HostingCon, and lots of girls in bikini's on the streets of Miami. Glad to be back though, energized for 3.3.



Good Morning Paul (here in Portugal is 07h00 AM), glad that you go back home safe :) We hope that you and your family has got a great week on Miami :)


That is what I like about this kind of Conferences, it brings new ideas to us, and also boosts our mind to work harder and trie to make better then outhers :)


You make me laugh :lol:  wen you said "...but the OP dosen't seem to mind. " Its offtopic but still a great conversation betwin us all :) I Will change the title a litle eheh


This thread got sort of off topic, but the OP doesn't seem to mind. :)


I made it back home safely, 4800+ miles traveled. Saw lots of cool people at HostingCon, and lots of girls in bikini's on the streets of Miami. Glad to be back though, energized for 3.3.


Glad your home safe and sound mate :D


Spain and England are out :(


Today is Portugal last chance to prove itself. Have to win, and Germany vs USA cant draw, to Portugal have a chance to pass second fase :P


15 minuts to the game start ;) 

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