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Do you mean an auto-save feature? Not necessarily a draft, but auto-save your replies until you submit them?


The way I would see this working is if you visit a ticket where there is an auto save, it would appear differently, and allow you to complete the response and submit it.. or cancel and delete it.


Do you mean an auto-save feature? Not necessarily a draft, but auto-save your replies until you submit them?


The way I would see this working is if you visit a ticket where there is an auto save, it would appear differently, and allow you to complete the response and submit it.. or cancel and delete it.


Yeah mate that would be like sooo handy lol. I've accidentally left a page by mistake went to the ticket reply by clicking back and have to re-fill it all out again.


I like your idea but it will be very tricky to implement for several reasons :)

It has to be created an extra table called for example draft_tickets so that dosent conflit with the real ticket id for replying/creating tickets temporary wen writing.

Also it as to always write to the database wen typing and it will consume some mysql/mariadb resources wen they are multiple staff members replying, but it can resolve also one issue that is wen there are 2 staff members replying the same ticket it can add an ajax request warning the second staff member that there is alredy someone replying a ticket.

It also as to be a new option on Support Manager to see Drafts that where not finished to continue writing.

Is some way this can resolve 2 problems but can cause an extra load to database server :)

We will trie to implement this on the next Support Mamager Pro ;)


Not really, it would need a extra row on the support tickets probably. 


Say at the bottom of the input field Draft Saved, you click it and then it loads it into the textbox.


No because if you start a new ticket there isnt yet a Ticket ID and so it cannot be stored on the default ticket database :)

Anouther problem is, if you dont want to send/reply the draft ticket that you have started ,it as to have an option to delete the draft ticket, and so it cannot be stored on the default table or it will be a litle messy on the ticket IDs ;)


No because if you start a new ticket there isnt yet a Ticket ID and so it cannot be stored on the default ticket database :)

Anouther problem is, if you dont want to send/reply the draft ticket that you have started ,it as to have an option to delete the draft ticket, and so it cannot be stored on the default table or it will be a litle messy on the ticket IDs ;)


I'm talking about the admin area lol customers  don't do invoices  :)


I'm talking about the admin area lol customers  don't do invoices  :)



Someting is missing in my post or I didnt understand what you have requested :)


Ofcourse Im only talking about Admin side :)




Exemple 1:


- Go to a Client and Open a new Ticket, and start writing to the custumer.

- Now you dont click on "SEND" and the Plugin auto saves as "DRAFT" (this time, because you have not clicked SEND, there isnt any TICKET ID, this is the default way to work with Tickets,  that way I said it need an extra TABLE to store DRAFTS)

- Now you will see a new option called "DRAFT TICKETS" that you can do 2 actions:


    Action A) Continue writing and click "SEND"

    Action B) Delete the DRAFT because you dont whant to send anymore


Exemple 2:


- You recive a ticket from a client (in here you alredy have a TICKET ID).

- Now you dont click on "SEND" and the Plugin auto saves as "DRAFT" (this is the only way that alredy can use the same table as the TICKETS because we can see the TICKET ID, but because the "Exemple 1", its better to store on a diferent table to store DRAFTS)

- Now you will see a new option called "DRAFT TICKETS" that you can do 2 actions:


    Action A) Continue writing and click "SEND"

    Action B) Delete the DRAFT because you dont whant to send anymore





Oh I see I was thinking about number 2. When replying to tickets not opening.

replying or creating tickets , PaulV methode is the best , it need a seperate table , is better and safe . if core support manager support the ability to let other plugins attach to thier actions i can write a plugin for that . but the probleme is attaching plugin to plugin or plugin to module is not supported now , w have already submitted a feature request for that .



replying or creating tickets , PaulV methode is the best , it need a seperate table , is better and safe . if core support manager support the ability to let other plugins attach to thier actions i can write a plugin for that . but the probleme is attaching plugin to plugin or plugin to module is not supported now , w have already submitted a feature request for that .


I don't personally see why you need another table if you go down that route of saving drafts of non open ticket replies, it will just make a table full to the brim in no time as people can just start writing a ticket and not bothering to open it. If your replying to a ticket then you are going to send it not stop half way through and then give up and not reply.


And if you do that you can simply just add another row to the currently table with DRAFT-ticketnumber instead and then use that.


I don't personally see why you need another table if you go down that route of saving drafts of non open ticket replies, it will just make a table full to the brim in no time as people can just start writing a ticket and not bothering to open it. If your replying to a ticket then you are going to send it not stop half way through and then give up and not reply.


And if you do that you can simply just add another row to the currently table with DRAFT-ticketnumber instead and then use that.

As I have mention, Drafts Tickets can only be created By Admins/Staff, not by clients in any way.

The drafts are automatically deleted wen you click "send" because is a temporary ticket save to recover later if you forgot or if your browser/internet connection closes :)

Think the way as for exemple Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer works, wen you start writing a new file it always saves a temporary file and if you "kill" the process or force a shutdown on your PC and then open again the word processor you have an option to recover the file :) it dosent create multiple files only creates a temporary file for that particulary task and deletes after you finish ;)

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