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i have found a tip to achieve that , but isn't working , i don't know if it is a bug or something wrong with me .

in the price , i have added two price term .

Term : 1 , Period : Mounth , Currency : usd , Price : 12 , Setup Fee : 0

Term : 1 , Period : Mounth , Currency : usd , Price : 8 , Setup Fee : 10

Term : 1 , Period : Mounth , Currency : usd , Price : 5 , Setup Fee : 25

in the order form it give me just the last one .

if i change to

Term : 30 , Period : Day , Currency : usd , Price : 12 , Setup Fee : 0

Term : 1 , Period : Mounth , Currency : usd , Price : 8 , Setup Fee : 10

Term : 1 , Period : Mounth , Currency : usd , Price : 5 , Setup Fee : 25

it show just the first and the last one .


Why would a user ever choose the more expensive option for the same term and period?


Use configurable options to adjust prices.



This Will server if we want to offer some buydown . let say we have server and we will offer two type of leasing , one with buydown , the cleint will pay the price of some hard that will be removed from the mounthly payment (that serve for long term contract )


1 - Mounthly price 256$ with 0$ Setup

2 - Mounthly price 156$ with 700$ Setup


Why would a user ever choose the more expensive option for the same term and period?


Use configurable options to adjust prices.


While configurable options works well (using a negative number to reduce the monthly price), the issue with it is that you have to create a new group and a new option for every single package you want to use this on.


Configurable options like this work well for items that have a set price (IPs, etc), but for things like hosting packages that get more expensive...having to create a new option/group for each package could be simplified somehow possibly.  I was thinking by allowing % to be used in the configurable options instead of a specific price?


Or at the very least, the ability to duplicate existing Configurable Options.




I just set this up via Config Options, for a package with 4 terms, I had to create an option with 8 different settings, 2 for each term (one with the setup fee, one without the fee).  Then I would have to replicate this accross all packages.  While it's certainly doable...an easier method would be nice.  Though Cody is right...config options does work quite well for this.


Hi there.
I'd like to add one more issue here. What should I do if I don't wanna show in order form one of price terms? Lets say that I have setup several terms but one of them I don't want to show in order form and make it available for admins only. Any thoughts?


Hi there.

I'd like to add one more issue here. What should I do if I don't wanna show in order form one of price terms? Lets say that I have setup several terms but one of them I don't want to show in order form and make it available for admins only. Any thoughts?

make restricted packages I believe.


Restricted packages don't apear in order forms and it doesn't help at all. I wanna sell a package but with some terms showed some not.


He means you create two packages. One package with your publicly available terms, another that is restricted. Only staff can add restricted packages (thus restricted terms) as services for a client.


in that way i don't need to create restricted package, i need just duplicate and don't apply that package to order form. But i have ran in to the after sell managing issue. I had to change package completely. If you could add check box at package term "public" it would be great feature I guess.


take a look at our order form. https://portal.myglt.net/ there are autoprovisioning of devices, provisioning of services, top up, real time billing and so on. thats why we can not change package just because we want to change payment terms. :(


maybe check boxes to enable them on the order form like so you can add more of the same tiers? I love your portal page :)

  • 2 months later...

Sorry to bump this thread again , we really need this - and normally this should be exist -


just setup a package with


1 - Mounthly price 256$ with 0$ Setup

2 - Mounthly price 156$ with 700$ Setup

in the order form , it only show the first option term (1 - Mounthly price 256$ with 0$ Setup) , the second option is nt showed . @Daniel B was able to reproduce he case and the results .


I don't think any of the Devs really replied if they see this as a possible feature for the future, as right now it is possible to use configurable options to get the same effect.


However, like Naja, I'd like to see this added as a feature.  Having it in the term length itself rather than a configurable option would be nice, specially for those companies who offer buydown options on all of their packages (dedicated servers come to mind).




There are a number of things to consider if we were to allow multiple prices per term and period through the order system. I think that it's something that can technically be done, but there are also a lot of potential issues.

Obviously, the more people that want this the more likely it is we'll take time away from other tasks to tackle those issues.


There are a number of things to consider if we were to allow multiple prices per term and period through the order system. I think that it's something that can technically be done, but there are also a lot of potential issues.

Obviously, the more people that want this the more likely it is we'll take time away from other tasks to tackle those issues.


This Option is very usefull and so used in companies that offer servers on mounthly price with or without buydown option .

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