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How To Stop "support Request Failed" E-Mails



As Blesta instance admin I regularly receive the following e-mail:

From: support@mydomain.tld
To: MAILER-DAEMON@hostname.mydomain.tld

Our system received your email, but was unable to process it for one of the following reasons..
1. The email address you sent the message from does not belong to any of our clients and this department only allows existing clients to open tickets.
2. You replied to a ticket notice, and we are unable to determine what ticket number you are responding to.
3. The department you emailed no longer exists.

How can I stop it or rather to make the system send notification e-mails from support@mydomain.tld and not form MAILER-DAEMON@hostname.mydomain.tld? Apparently the system is trying to send such a report from non-existent e-mail address MAILER-DAEMON@hostname.mydomain.tld, which gets bounced message. 


Of course, I've checked admin/settings/company/emails/templates/ page and made sure "support@mydomain.tld" is everywhere. That's why I think MAILER-DAEMON@hostname.mydomain.tld should be found and replaced on the system level, somewhere in the templates maybe?

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You monitor email sent to MAILER-DAEMON@ your domain? I'm guessing that your mail server bounced a message to the support system and this email is the result


I am now confused which way this e-mail exchange flows. Anyway, I have replaced a test user's e-mail to "MAILER-DAEMON@hostname.mydomain.tld", let me see if it will generate any e-mail in the system. Anyway, shouldn't Blesta create a support request ticket for e-mail messages coming from not-yet-registered e-mails? I hoped to get all pre-sale e-mail messages turned into tickets too.


Edit: Just noticed "Allow only clients to open or reply to tickets" in the support department options. Have changed it and will see how the system behaves now. Sorry for bothering with this kind of trivial things. I guess it takes some time to get used to Blesta way of doing things.

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Wow, opening the support department for non-registered e-mails created tons of new tickets with the same "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender" title and similar content. And I can see only Merge option for tickets. Can't we completely remove tickets from the system? I've read discussions about preventing invoices from deletion, but what about tickets? Are we as admins able to completely delete tickets?

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Wow, opening the support department for non-registered e-mails created tons of new tickets with the same "Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender" title and similar content. And I can see only Merge option for tickets. Can't we completely remove tickets from the system? I've read discussions about preventing invoices from deletion, but what about tickets? Are we as admins able to completely delete tickets?


Do you own your own server that you host on? If not contact your host. Because the reason you are getting it is due to either:

- Fake emails to submit tickets

- Your emails are being blocked by the receiver's server.


I use InterWorx and haven't had one for ages, but I have the spam limit to 4, after the spam rating hits 4 or higher the emails are rejected. 


cPanel: http://forums.cpanel.net/f5/mailer-daemon-27057.html

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Do you own your own server that you host on? If not contact your host. Because the reason you are getting it is due to either:

- Fake emails to submit tickets

- Your emails are being blocked by the receiver's server.


I use InterWorx and haven't had one for ages, but I have the spam limit to 4, after the spam rating hits 4 or higher the emails are rejected. 


cPanel: http://forums.cpanel.net/f5/mailer-daemon-27057.html


Yes, we do own this server and will see mail related settings. But what about tons' of tickets which got automatically created? Do I have to delete them directly in database or I am missing something in Blesta admin UI?

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Yes, we do own this server and will see mail related settings. But what about tons' of tickets which got automatically created? Do I have to delete them directly in database or I am missing something in Blesta admin UI?


You can use the Support Manager Pro which allows you to delete tickets / Spam protection if you set it as spam. However the only way to block spam is with your Spam Filter.

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