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Just Can't Stay Out Of This Forum! (Interworx Issue)





It appears for active account on interworx none of the details are shown within the billing.






As far I I know this is suppose to be showing:

	<table class="table">
		<tr class="heading_row">
			<td class="fixed_small center border_none"><span class="paymnt_arrow"></span></td>
			<td class="border_left"><?php $this->_("Interworx.service_info.email");?></td>
			<td><?php $this->_("Interworx.service_info.password");?></td>
			<td><?php $this->_("Interworx.service_info.server");?></td>
			<td class="last"><?php $this->_("Interworx.service_info.options");?></td>
			<td><?php $this->Html->_($service_fields->interworx_email);?></td>
			<td><?php $this->Html->_($service_fields->interworx_password);?></td>
			<td><?php $this->Html->_($module_row->meta->host_name);?></td>
			<td><a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe("http" . (isset($module_row->meta->use_ssl) && $module_row->meta->use_ssl == "false" ? "" : "s") . "://" . $this->Html->ifSet($module_row->meta->host_name) . ":" . $module_row->meta->port . "/siteworx/?domain=" . $service_fields->interworx_domain);?>" target="_blank"><?php $this->_("Interworx.service_info.option_login");?></a></td>

Sorry about all these support requests. Can be a bit lazy at times when I know I can hop in here and get the answer.



15 answers to this question

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Okay, is there suppose to be anything on the manage page though?


Nope the manage page is for other bits like statistics and other tabs like re-issue :) when you click the service row you get your account details. Same on cPanel and other modules.

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Modules can add additional management features on that page, but not all do. If you want to see some specific features for Interworx, please start a thread in the Feature Requests section with details.


We are planning to add some extended features to Interworx, but your feedback and specifics on what features you'd like to see will help drive development.

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I can code the features I want myself I just need to know what file displays that if its in the interworx module dir or if it uses the generic theme dir.


Everything for a module is in the module file :) I think you're looking for the views /components/modules/interworx/views/ mate.

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Anyways from what I looked at there is not a file for the client manage link. The only file for clients is what controls this: https://s3.amazonaws.com/HostingBoss/images/interworx-issue-23423403294.png


You need to edit this file to edit the service row section: /components/modules/interworx/views/default/client_service_info.pdt

	<table class="table">
		<tr class="heading_row">
			<td class="fixed_small center border_none"><span class="paymnt_arrow"></span></td>
			<td class="border_left"><?php $this->_("Interworx.service_info.email");?></td>
			<td><?php $this->_("Interworx.service_info.password");?></td>
			<td><?php $this->_("Interworx.service_info.server");?></td>
			<td class="last"><?php $this->_("Interworx.service_info.options");?></td>
			<td><?php $this->Html->_($service_fields->interworx_email);?></td>
			<td><?php $this->Html->_($service_fields->interworx_password);?></td>
			<td><?php $this->Html->_($module_row->meta->host_name);?></td>
			<td><a href="<?php echo $this->Html->safe("http" . (isset($module_row->meta->use_ssl) && $module_row->meta->use_ssl == "false" ? "" : "s") . "://" . $this->Html->ifSet($module_row->meta->host_name) . ":" . $module_row->meta->port . "/siteworx/?domain=" . $service_fields->interworx_domain);?>" target="_blank"><?php $this->_("Interworx.service_info.option_login");?></a></td>

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As you see in the original post that's what my question was about. And that is the code I am talking about in the post you quoted. What I am trying to do is add interworx options to the mange page which has the cancel button.

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As you see in the original post that's what my question was about. And that is the code I am talking about in the post you quoted. What I am trying to do is add interworx options to the mange page which has the cancel button.


Sorry you need /components/modules/interworx/views/default/manage.pdt

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Almost 100% sure that is for the admin area. I don't believe there is a file for interworx to edit the customer page.


From what I understand when you click manage it will bring you to the generic page for blesta located at:





Now the problem is when you add info to that it will add it for every single product you have regardless if its relevant. I need to find a way to call the code when the service uses a certain module. Right now I am looking at module_id.

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Alright, all I need to do is call a variable in the interworx module lang file and use it in php. I can display the variables with:

echo $this->_("Interworx.variable");

I just need to use that in php using "if" The only problem I have is no matter what I do I can't get the if statement to work. Mind helping me with the one single line I need.

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Alright, all I need to do is call a variable in the interworx module lang file and use it in php. I can display the variables with:

echo $this->_("Interworx.variable");

I just need to use that in php using "if" The only problem I have is no matter what I do I can't get the if statement to work. Mind helping me with the one single line I need.


I believe you are looking for this file: /components/modules/interworx/views/default/tab_stats.pdt

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That is the Statistic Tab in the admin area. 



/app/views/client/default/client_services_manage.pdt is what I was looking for and now I am trying to create a php function that if the services module is interworx to display my custom scripts/html.

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