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7 hours ago, WebhostingNZ.com said:

Hey @PauloV

Would it be possible to add in the ability to reply to a different email address?  Currently same as the default Support Manager it replies to the ticket, and any email that has added to that ticket but we would like to be able to see the list it's sending to, add to it or remove from it.  At the very least just be able to change the 'to' email address.



That would be a good feature along with...


  • 1 month later...

Every morning, I need to unlock the task about the supportpro...


2018-06-27-08:05:02.282291 Tentative d'exécution cron pour support_managerpro poll_ticketspro.
2018-06-27-08:05:02.293021 Erreur: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /data/account.pointpubmedia.com/app/controllers/cron.php:3307) #0 [internal fu
nction]: UnknownException::setErrorHandler(2, 'session_start()...', '/data/account.p...', 74, Array)
2018-06-27-08:05:02.293086 #1 /data/account.pointpubmedia.com/vendors/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/ErrorHandler.php(164): call_user_func(Array, 2, 'session_start()...', '/data/account.p...', 74, Array)
2018-06-27-08:05:02.293120 #2 [internal function]: Monolog\ErrorHandler->handleError(2, 'session_start()...', '/data/account.p...', 74, Array)
2018-06-27-08:05:02.293152 #3 /data/account.pointpubmedia.com/vendors/minphp/session/src/Session.php(74): session_start()
2018-06-27-08:05:02.293183 #4 /data/account.pointpubmedia.com/vendors/minphp/bridge/src/Components/Session.php(65): Minphp\Session\Session->start()
2018-06-27-08:05:02.293214 #5 [internal function]: Session->__construct()
2018-06-27-08:05:02.293244 #6 /data/account.pointpubmedia.com/vendors/minphp/bridge/src/Lib/Loader.php(274): ReflectionClass->newInstance()
2018-06-27-08:05:02.293279 #7 /data/account.pointpubmedia.com/vendors/minphp/bridge/src/Lib/Loader.php(253): Loader::createInstance('Session', Array)
2018-06-27-08:05:02.293311 #8 /data/account.pointpubmedia.com/vendors/minphp/bridge/src/Lib/Loader.php(140): Loader::loadInstances(Array, Array, 'components')
2018-06-27-08:05:02.293343 #9 /data/account.pointpubmedia.com/plugins/support_managerpro/support_managerpro_plugin.php(19): Loader::loadComponents(Object(SupportManagerproPlugin), Array)
2018-06-27-08:05:02.293375 #10 /data/account.pointpubmedia.com/components/plugins/plugins.php(38): SupportManagerproPlugin->__construct()
2018-06-27-08:05:02.293411 #11 /data/account.pointpubmedia.com/app/controllers/cron.php(2767): Plugins::create('SupportManagerp...')
2018-06-27-08:05:02.293442 #12 /data/account.pointpubmedia.com/app/controllers/cron.php(175): Cron->pluginTasks('1da4ff537d62889...')
2018-06-27-08:05:02.293473 #13 /data/account.pointpubmedia.com/app/controllers/cron.php(127): Cron->all('1da4ff537d62889...')
2018-06-27-08:05:02.293504 #14 /data/account.pointpubmedia.com/vendors/minphp/bridge/src/Lib/Dispatcher.php(143): Cron->index()
2018-06-27-08:05:02.293546 #15 /data/account.pointpubmedia.com/vendors/minphp/bridge/src/Lib/Dispatcher.php(61): Dispatcher::dispatch('/cron/', true)
2018-06-27-08:05:02.293579 #16 /data/account.pointpubmedia.com/index.php(24): Dispatcher::dispatchCli(Array)
2018-06-27-08:05:02.381800 #17 {main}Toutes les tâches ont été complétées.


  • 1 month later...
  • 7 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I am currently using the "Support Manager Pro (ver 2.10.2)" by Paulo V.


NOTE: I would like to start using the default "Support Manager" that is built into Blesta .

  • Will I lose all of my support tickets once I switch to Blesta version 4.11.2 ?

  • Is there a way to pull the support tickets from "Support Manager PRO" into the default Support Manager in Blesta ?

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