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  • 3 weeks later...



If i use this plugin then do I disable the default support in blesta ???




Hello :)


You can use both, but I recomend only work with one, Support Manager or Support Manager Pro, because they are indipendent, but do the same thing, with some extra stuuf :)


Hi PauloV,


I know you are very busy, just wondering if you have an update on this yet?






Yes there are alredy some updates, I only have to finish integrate the updates from Blesta 3.6.1 on mine Support Manager Pro to relase :)


Sorry to all, for the late updates, I m trying really hard to update everithing and may everyone happy :P


I will try next week to relase all :blesta:




  • 2 months later...

UPDATED 27-01-2016


One year after the latest update, here it is the new "revamp" and full loaded Support Manager Pro with an huge modification to support exclusive features to Blesta :blesta:


This is a major upgrade to Support Manager Pro, I have tested everything, but sometimes things can go rong (WHMCS exemple lol), so please Backup/Backup/Backup before upgrade Support Manager Pro, to be able to revert :)


Try to find the new features, you will have a pleasent suprise :P I also added new screenshots below:

== Staff List Ticket View ==
Added: New Left Menu on Staff listing all Tickets
Added: Quick Filter tickets by Department (Drop Down Style)
Added: Total Tickets By Status
Added: Cookie to store Full Screen Ticket View Windows Status, for wen navigating betwin links remember if its full
Added: Background Color Change on Ticket, wen its assignet to you
Added: Font Awesome for styling
Added: Show background diferent color (light red) on Ticket line, if the ticket was not readed/open by Staff
Fixed: Some issues on Services Ticket View Tab (thanks to viperdh)
Fixed: Some issues on PIPE Ticket Import (thanks to viperdh)
Fixed: Some issues on KB (thanks to viperdh)

== Staff View/Reply Ticket ==
Added: Warning message if any outher staff member is viewing/replying the ticket
Added: More Client Details that are hide by default but you can click on the litle arrow down button to display all
Added: Real Time Saveto database on any Department Change and/or Assinet to and/or Priority and/or status. (Auto Submits the form)
Added: Assing a Service to the Ticket (if the client has active services on it)
Added: Assing Custom Fields to Ticket (you can now add/remove/edit costum fields by Ticket)
Added: Notes moved to TOP of any Replies to better view
Added: Left Menu to Quickly navigate betwin Departments/Status
Added: List Client Services
Added: Quoting an reply now adds extra styling to text adding date + time + who submited
Added: Font Awesome for styling
Removed: Unecessary space betwin Reples

== Client Area ==
Added: Ticket Widget to list all tickets like Staff Client Area

== Client View Ticket ==
Removed: Ticket Log changes (dosent make sense view them)

== Client Reply Ticket ==
Added: Asigned Service (yes clients can assign service finally to tickets)

== Client Add Ticket ==
Added: Asigned a Active Service to the Ticket (as above clients can assign service finally to tickets)

To add/remove/edit custom fields to tickets just go to Settings->Plugins->Support Manager Pro->Manage (folow the instructions)


New Screen SHots 2016















See first post how to install/upgrade :)


Hope you all like, and sorry for the late update :(




  • 4 weeks later...

Hey Guys,


on the client portal side I am getting admin only JS and it is causing my page to reload over and over again


Happens when not signed in,  I have added a support link on my client pages - and when I remove that the refresh stops but the javascript is still present.


The JS in the bottom is


<!-- display admin ticket count menu badge-->
if( $("a[href=/portal/plugin/support_managerpro/client_main/]").length )
$( document ).ready(function() {
$.get( '/admin/plugin/support_managerpro/client_tickets_count/', function(newRowCount){
$("a[href=/portal/plugin/support_managerpro/client_main/]").html( newRowCount.trim() );
$.get( '/admin/plugin/support_managerpro/client_tickets_count/', function(newRowCount){
$("a[href=/portal/plugin/support_managerpro/client_main/]").html( newRowCount.trim() );

<!-- end display admin ticket count menu badge-->


Hey Guys,


on the client portal side I am getting admin only JS and it is causing my page to reload over and over again


Happens when not signed in,  I have added a support link on my client pages - and when I remove that the refresh stops but the javascript is still present.


The JS in the bottom is


<!-- display admin ticket count menu badge-->



if( $("a[href=/portal/plugin/support_managerpro/client_main/]").length )


$( document ).ready(function() {

$.get( '/admin/plugin/support_managerpro/client_tickets_count/', function(newRowCount){

$("a[href=/portal/plugin/support_managerpro/client_main/]").html( newRowCount.trim() );




$.get( '/admin/plugin/support_managerpro/client_tickets_count/', function(newRowCount){

$("a[href=/portal/plugin/support_managerpro/client_main/]").html( newRowCount.trim() );






<!-- end display admin ticket count menu badge-->



Thanks for helping :)


To fix it just open the file /plugins/support_managerpro/support_managerpro_plugin.php


Find on line 1233:

        if ($params['portal'] == "client")

Replace with:

        if ($params['portal'] == "client" && $this->client)

I Will add the fix on the next update :)





Hi PauloV


When a user is signed in and creates a ticket - this error pops up


SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'tablename.support_staff_schedules' doesn't exist on line 124 in /sites.XXXX/www/lib/model.php


This was a new install, and first time it had the supportPro installed


Emailed ticket work fine.


If you need additional information please let me know.



Hi PauloV


When a user is signed in and creates a ticket - this error pops up


SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'tablename.support_staff_schedules' doesn't exist on line 124 in /sites.XXXX/www/lib/model.php


This was a new install, and first time it had the supportPro installed


Emailed ticket work fine.


If you need additional information please let me know.



The error is from Support Manager and not Support Manager Pro :)

Try to make sure you are only using Support Manager Pro and not Support Manager.

Make sure the files are from Support Manager Pro, also :)

Hope that helps.




hey guys...


Any idea on how I can use support pro to handle email that are not defined in "department".   Let say for example, a client sent me an email directly, and I would like to send it back in support.   Under thunderbird I have a plugin called "Bounce/Redirect" that just send back the email to someone else without using forward or reply.


The email received by the supportpro is having a TO: original email instead of the department email.


I would like to have a department that handle all emails that are not send to a department...


hey guys...


Any idea on how I can use support pro to handle email that are not defined in "department".   Let say for example, a client sent me an email directly, and I would like to send it back in support.   Under thunderbird I have a plugin called "Bounce/Redirect" that just send back the email to someone else without using forward or reply.


The email received by the supportpro is having a TO: original email instead of the department email.


I would like to have a department that handle all emails that are not send to a department...



It can be done, its not hard :P


I Also dont like the "From/To" and I will release a final solution for this to correctly display separated the From Email Adress and/or Name, and "To" the Department associated with the email adress, for the "No Department", a soluction is to create a "Dummy" department called for exemple "Catch All" that will recive all emails from outher adresses configured on Piping/pop/imap.





One other think, will be to add some stuff in the header of the email to better catch the ticket ID to keep the same "thread".


We do some test and instead of have ticket hash code in the subject, we put only ticket code it's not working properly all the time!


Maybe having something in the header will be more solid!


Does this have Support Tickets Limiting ? Please see forum post for more info http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/6050-support-tickets-limiting/





It dosent suport but its not very complicated to integrate :)


If you want I can send you a Quote to add that option, I have to make a Blesta Module, and then add some extra options to Support Manager Pro to fully support Tickets Limiting as you want.




  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

hi there,


Is there a new update coming soon.


Class 'SupportManagerproController' not found on line 11 in /home/****/public_html/plugins/support_managerpro/support_managerpro_kb_controller.php ?

  • 1 month later...

Just installed on a fresh install and I'm not getting any options when I click the checkbox next to tickets (used to pop up the modal window to move to trash, etc).  Think I'm just missing a file? (Can't reupload at the moment, on an hour bus ride home or I'd would just try that).


Just installed on a fresh install and I'm not getting any options when I click the checkbox next to tickets (used to pop up the modal window to move to trash, etc).  Think I'm just missing a file? (Can't reupload at the moment, on an hour bus ride home or I'd would just try that).



You using Safari?

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