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Right, but this one doesn't replace the other one?

And I guess I need to uninstall the Blesta plugin then, only question is if I should remove both, and then install this one again?




You can use both or ony one of them :)

You only need to uninstall one, if you want :)


Right, but this one doesn't replace the other one?

And I guess I need to uninstall the Blesta plugin then, only question is if I should remove both, and then install this one again?



It doesn't any-more as we all said it was better it was it's own plugin.




I've installed this plugin. But, i already have support tickets and departments that are to be imported from the traditional support manager to support manager pro.


Can anyone help?

  • 2 weeks later...



I've installed this plugin. But, i already have support tickets and departments that are to be imported from the traditional support manager to support manager pro.


Can anyone help?



Many sorry about the late response,


Lots of work (migrating servers, and alocaing some new networks) :)


There isnt, for now an easy way to do that, because we have sew fields on Support Manager Pro database. We will trie to implement on the next release (The new Blesta Support Manager as now knowlede base built in in the next relase) :)

  • 1 month later...

Is this no longer updated or supported? The knowledgebase is missing in the Support Pro.


In fact, it seems the only difference between pro and regular, aside from the KB, is the little bubbles. That should be simple to implement into core. I mean, it's already done!


I believe this plugin is still actively being updated. There are quite some differences compared to the core one (not just the bubbles?), which being introduced in very first post of the said plugin's thread. I suggest waiting for Paulo's reply.


Is this no longer updated or supported? The knowledgebase is missing in the Support Pro.


In fact, it seems the only difference between pro and regular, aside from the KB, is the little bubbles. That should be simple to implement into core. I mean, it's already done!


The KB has only been out in 3.4, and as it's just gone past christmas and new year you need to give Paulov a chance to update their third party plugin


DIdn't know that. I've not paid attention for at least 6+ months here because the main feature I needed wasn't available yet. But now it is, so here I am.


Hopefully he beats me to it, but I'll be looking at the code to see what I can find.


I want to see if this: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3909-set-our-own-priority-names/ can be integrated into this plugin.


Don't just change the color of priorities, but names as well.

Even if we can have 6 meaningful static names, it would be better than Emergency/etc.


No, problem :) We will add this feature (its usefull for us to) in the next relase in a cople of weeks :)


Is this no longer updated or supported? The knowledgebase is missing in the Support Pro.


In fact, it seems the only difference between pro and regular, aside from the KB, is the little bubbles. That should be simple to implement into core. I mean, it's already done!

No, we will support untill Blesta ends never. Untill blesta release all our mod's on Blesta oficial Support Manager Plugin, we will always update. We will release the next update in a couple of weeks :)



I believe this plugin is still actively being updated. There are quite some differences compared to the core one (not just the bubbles?), which being introduced in very first post of the said plugin's thread. I suggest waiting for Paulo's reply.


Thanks :) Yes there are a lot of diferent mod's, and not just the "bubbles"/Badges



The KB has only been out in 3.4, and as it's just gone past christmas and new year you need to give Paulov a chance to update their third party plugin


Thanks :P lol I only yesterday finish viewing "The Interview" film LOL, very stupid film, only recommend watching if you dont have anything else to see on TV :P



DIdn't know that. I've not paid attention for at least 6+ months here because the main feature I needed wasn't available yet. But now it is, so here I am.


Hopefully he beats me to it, but I'll be looking at the code to see what I can find.


Just wait a coople of weeks ;)


Actually, I may have it done tomorrow. We'll see. If it works, I'll share the code with you.

I may try to expand a few things as well.

Some of this doesn't look too hard. I'm still figuring our how the code works.


Thanks :P lol I only yesterday finish viewing "The Interview" film LOL, very stupid film, only recommend watching if you dont have anything else to see on TV :P


I want to watch it mate haha, I've always said since I heard what goes on in NK, that our government (UK) and USA should send troops in to kill Kim. And this film is about just that.


OT: Yeah, I saw that on Christmas. It's what I expected -- silly. :lol:


Although I've coded sites since the 90s, and dev'd php since the 2000s, I shun the idea that I'm an expert in any way. However, I may be able to bring some of what I do know to Blesta. The deeper I look, the cleaner and easier it looks. Although I've griped a lot lately, it is clean code -- I'l give them that.


OT: Yeah, I saw that on Christmas. It's what I expected -- silly. :lol:


Although I've coded sites since the 90s, and dev'd php since the 2000s, I shun the idea that I'm an expert in any way. However, I may be able to bring some of what I do know to Blesta. The deeper I look, the cleaner and easier it looks. Although I've griped a lot lately, it is clean code -- I'l give them that.



I have started coding in ZX Spectrum (Pascal) in 1994 lol, good old days :) then strat C and C++, after that VB6, after that HTML and in 2000 PHP + MySQL, in 2006 working with DIV's insted Tables + CSS, and in the recent years 2008 jQuery/jMobile :P  What's next eheh (dont like Ruby, its still slow in now days)


Now we have "Hacker" code, develop from Facebook people (its PHP but with some mod's, dont like it)


What I have learn to today, is, dont waste your money in learning in schools how to code, just grabe an online manual or some tutorials and start Trying some lines of code, its te fastes way to learn how to code :) you (i also), will error many times, but thats the beuty of things is to learn with your own mistakes, and a good developper will easy debug and find a solution for the problems :P


Exemple: Until January 2014 (after we have purchased Blesta license), I have learn from anouther develop from Blesta foruns (Eric) that using <? tags for php was the rong way for using because not every php.ini will interpret <? tags as PHP tags, so after that leson, now I always use <?php for all PHP code :)


Any idea how we can style the KB to look nicer?


css :) I prefer it as it is, but I saw it in development and alpha. I just overwrite css with my own file in structure, but you can just use the css toolkit by Naja7host. 

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