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I figure out that default IMAP port is 143 but it was defaulted to 110 in Support Manager Pro(as well as non-pro).OK. Now I upgrade to the newest version and configure it correctly. I could see those new email being marked as "READ". So no dout that support manager pro retrived the email. But no ticket was created


Do you have both Support Manager and Support Manager Pro retriving the same emails by IMAP or just Support Manager Pro?


No. I uninstall Support Manager


Did you uncheck the option on the Support Department that says "Allow only clients to open or reply to tickets" because if it is checked, it only retrives emails that have a client account on blesta, if not trie to remove the department, and then configure again with IMAP, after that send an eail to see if it retrives.


Ok. Now I know why it does not create ticket.

I try to manually create a ticket as a client, and this is the error message I received.



SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'name' doesn't have a default value on line 124 in /var/www/******/customer/lib/model.php



So, what's this problem? First time seeing this.


Ok. Now I know why it does not create ticket.

I try to manually create a ticket as a client, and this is the error message I received.



SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'name' doesn't have a default value on line 124 in /var/www/******/customer/lib/model.php



So, what's this problem? First time seeing this.



Use PIPE or POP3, for now and we will release a fix tomorow for IMAP :)


Ok. Now I know why it does not create ticket.

I try to manually create a ticket as a client, and this is the error message I received.



SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'name' doesn't have a default value on line 124 in /var/www/******/customer/lib/model.php



So, what's this problem? First time seeing this.


Hello :)


Please download the latest Support Manager Pro, replace all files and test if the bug on IMAP is gone :)


Did you update the link? I download it and seems are the same file as before


Yes, the uploaded file/link have a small fix for the IMAP import bug found by you. You have to download the full plugin and replace all files, just that.


I downloaded but still seeing

SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'name' doesn't have a default value on line 124 in /var/www/******/customer/lib/model.php


Not sure if it is related.


Ok. The problem is wired enough. Previous, I use MySQL database hosted on cleardb.com and receive above error. Now, I use local mysql and problem solved. Not sure why


Strange, but if its working now, better than :)


Just installed this plugin, thought we'd give it a try. Need this specific functionality:


tickets can be opened by people who are NOT yet clients. It appears this is available in this plugin, but I cannot find where to link them to in order to open that ticket?


Please advise.


Just installed this plugin, thought we'd give it a try. Need this specific functionality:


tickets can be opened by people who are NOT yet clients. It appears this is available in this plugin, but I cannot find where to link them to in order to open that ticket?


Please advise.

Tickets can be opened by non clients by creating a support dept. and leaving the box unchecked for "Allow only clients to open or reply to tickets".


Just installed this plugin, thought we'd give it a try. Need this specific functionality:


tickets can be opened by people who are NOT yet clients. It appears this is available in this plugin, but I cannot find where to link them to in order to open that ticket?


Please advise.


As RockIsland mentioned, this is possible in the core Support Manager plugin. If you have the setting "Allow only clients to open or reply to tickets" unchecked for a support department, then you can link non-clients to the portal page (the Blesta installation directory), where a button for "Support" will be available. They can click that to go on to create a support ticket.

  • 3 weeks later...

How do I change the navigation labels from Support Pro to Support? 


I modified support_managerpro_plugin.php.


But, that didn't seem to work even after clearing the cache.


How do I change the navigation labels from Support Pro to Support? 


I modified support_managerpro_plugin.php.


But, that didn't seem to work even after clearing the cache.


Hello :)
Edit the file:
/[your blesta instalation]/plugins/support_managerpro/language/[your language]/support_managerpro_plugin.php
on line 12 and 13, change the lang var:
$lang['SupportManagerproPlugin.nav_primary_client.main'] = "Support Pro";
$lang['SupportManagerproPlugin.nav_primary_staff.main'] = "Support Pro";
after that go to:
/[your blesta instalation]/cache/
and delete the "1" directory or your company ID directory
See if it works ;)

bugs, the client can reply to tickets whose status has been deleted




Its because its a "status" change and you have not Permanent Deleted the Ticket :)


On the next release we will hide the "SPAM" and "Deleted" tickets from Client Area, but clientes on "Deleted" status can still reply by email and the Ticket will reopen again :)


Some new features on the next release are:


- On Ticket Viewing, now it will show 2 new Tabs called "Tickets" and anouther called "Services" that will display all Tickets from Clients and Services, to better access :)

- Import Tickets/Replies and Configs from Support Manager original (on new installs only)

- Option to export to Support Manager riginal new tickets/replies (that are not alredy in database)


Some outher changes are:


- Changed Status name, from "Delete" to "Trash" to better understand

- Change Action Name from "Permanent Delete" to "Delete".


If any of you have some new ideas, just tell us to implement on the next release :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Is there any way we could show the little red badge on the client side when they have a reply from the admin?





Yes :) we will add in the next release.


Hi Paulo,


I've went through the features of this plugin, if I am not wrong, I cannot find something like "related service". In WHMCS, when a client open a ticket, they can choose which product/service they are talking about. Is it possible to work on this? Or is this something already there but I missed?


Hope to hear from you, thank you :)


Hi Paulo,


I've went through the features of this plugin, if I am not wrong, I cannot find something like "related service". In WHMCS, when a client open a ticket, they can choose which product/service they are talking about. Is it possible to work on this? Or is this something already there but I missed?


Hope to hear from you, thank you :)


That option will also come in the next release, we alredy implemented in our Local Beta a tab to see client services and tickets, now it only needs to be implemented a dorpdown in client side to choose the related service :)  We hope to release in a few weeks (working on the new order forms and also no Blesta Bookmarks to be able to create menu links for clients and admins)

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