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Delete Tickets


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So what do you do with SPAM tickets keep it ? :)

The most anoying legal rules is in Europe (Im from Portugal in Europe) and we dont have that rule :)


I see that I have to totally modify Support Manager plugin and then releasit here with new features ;)


Thanks :)

Paulo V

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So what do you do with SPAM tickets keep it ? :)

The most anoying legal rules is in Europe (Im from Portugal in Europe) and we dont have that rule :)


I see that I have to totally modify Support Manager plugin and then releasit here with new features ;)


Thanks :)

Paulo V


Yeah, we just close them and in cPanel there's a email filter, we put the emails in a filter. That way they get discarded before they reach the billing system.


cPanel > Account Level Filtering > Create a New Filter >



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Thats not the way a Suport Ticket System should work :)


For exemple, if you unistall de "Suport Manager" in Blesta, all Tickets are deleted and the prupose of "legal reason" dosent fit here :)


The correct functionality of a Suport Manager sould have the extra options to:


1º- Delete tickets

2º- Add Tickts to a SPAM database

3º- Move Tickets to outher client account


All tickets systems outh there even the most expensive ones have that options :)


I will add that options because we need them, and we are not going into prodution enviorment without them.


P.S- We know the option on cpanel to add rules, and also know the Spam Assassin and also the outhe better alternatives like rvskin anti-spam and assp deluxe that automatic add rules and learn with spam :) but why to do 2 steps if you can do it only one on Suport Manager? :)


Dont get me rong, but Suport Manager is one of the plugins that needs more work, thast why I will help :)



Paulo V

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Thats not the way a Suport Ticket System should work :)

It's how Blesta works at the moment mate, it's hard for the guys to meet everyone's needs however they do the best they can, a feature request is the best way.


For exemple, if you unistall de "Suport Manager" in Blesta, all Tickets are deleted and the prupose of "legal reason" dosent fit here :)

The correct functionality of a Suport Manager sould have the extra options to:


1º- Delete tickets

2º- Add Tickts to a SPAM database

3º- Move Tickets to outher client account

1. - Again I believe that's down to the legal reasons, if you un-install it feel free to and then re-install it, however if you need a ticket for reference you won't find it. PS: check this post out: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1837-clear-customer-data-function-for-admin/?p=14093


2. We did discuss this in another thread a while back: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/535-spam/ Maybe you can help towards it.


3. Move tickets, I'm not sure if I've spotted that before, I think it would be a good feature request if there isn't one.


All tickets systems outh there even the most expensive ones have that options :)

They have been out for ages though years to be precise, and Blesta 3.x.x is built from the ground up, none of the code has been from 2.5, that's why some of the 2.5 features aren't in 3.x.x.


but why to do 2 steps if you can do it only one on Suport Manager? :)

Because if you want to "Stop" the spam until the function is in Blesta, that's the way to do it. You can't get blood out of a stone as they say in the UK.

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It's how Blesta works at the moment mate, it's hard for the guys to meet everyone's needs however they do the best they can, a feature request is the best way.


yes i know, that wy I will code adicional functions to implement, and then post the code for outhers to add if they whant :)


I whant to Blesta grow because we are investing 100% eforts on the Blesta code to migrate from 6 years of data on  WHMCS, and before that 3 years of data on AWBS, and before that, 2 years of WHMAutopilot.


On WHMCS that we current use there is alot of custom code on hooks and some extra modules its a database with more than 800Mb of data and more than 1 million of data records, thats alot of data to import to Blesta and we have to make some changes on Blesta to all work in armony.


We have all licences from all the greatats billing systems (WHMCS, HOSTBILLAPP, ClientExec, etc), and we have choose Blesta :)


We are a working buisness since 1998, we have alot of servers in several datacenters in Europe, manage thousands of domains and clientes and Blesta have to handel correctly.


The importing thing in a buiseness is support, and if Blesta cannot handle correctly all suports tickets and emails that we recive every day we will go down the hill.

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