Joseph H Posted July 15, 2014 Report Posted July 15, 2014 <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html dir="ltr"> <head> <title>Dashboard | Yatosha Web Services</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/billing/app/views/admin/default/images/favicon.ico" /> <link href="/billing/app/views/admin/default/css/reset.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <link href="/billing/app/views/admin/default/css/jquery-ui.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <link href="/billing/app/views/admin/default/css/layout.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <link href="/billing/app/views/admin/default/css/css3.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <link href="/billing/app/views/admin/default/css/colorpicker.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <link href="/billing/app/views/admin/default/css/datepicker.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" /> <link 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PauloV Posted July 15, 2014 Author Report Posted July 15, 2014 It seams that you dont have uploaded all files. Can you PM an ftp or sftp acess to your blesta folder to see it and fix it? Quote
Joseph H Posted July 16, 2014 Report Posted July 16, 2014 It seams that you dont have uploaded all files. Can you PM an ftp or sftp acess to your blesta folder to see it and fix it? Sure.... I have sent you ftp login details Quote
PauloV Posted July 16, 2014 Author Report Posted July 16, 2014 Sure.... I have sent you ftp login details Responded by PM Quote
astroroxy Posted August 11, 2014 Report Posted August 11, 2014 Hello, First it looks great form the pics, and the community appreciates your contributions. Unfortunately I am getting some errors. It installs fine but then I get a blank popout when clicking the link. I noticed chrome had some 500 errors. I checked apache and it was looking for settings.ini.php There was no file with such name, only _settings.ini.php. I renamed it and now I get a 404 page. Attached is the apache error logs. [Mon Aug 11 13:19:50.247566 2014] [mpm_prefork:notice] [pid 1111] AH00163: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.5.9-1ubuntu4.3 configured -- resuming normal operations [Mon Aug 11 13:19:50.247640 2014] [core:notice] [pid 1111] AH00094: Command line: '/usr/sbin/apache2' [Mon Aug 11 13:20:51.019187 2014] [:error] [pid 1119] [client] PHP Warning: include(settings/settings.ini.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 10, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/plugin/support_manager/admin_staff/ [Mon Aug 11 13:20:51.019251 2014] [:error] [pid 1119] [client] PHP Warning: include(settings/settings.ini.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 10, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/plugin/support_manager/admin_staff/ [Mon Aug 11 13:20:51.019266 2014] [:error] [pid 1119] [client] PHP Warning: include(): Failed opening 'settings/settings.ini.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 10, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/plugin/support_manager/admin_staff/ [Mon Aug 11 13:20:51.030889 2014] [:error] [pid 1119] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Setting with section {site} value {available_site_access}' in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php:19\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhcore/lhurl.php(35): erConfigClassLhConfig->getSetting('site', 'available_site_...')\n#1 /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php(355): erLhcoreClassURL::getInstance()\n#2 /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/index.php(27): erLhcoreClassModule::moduleInit()\n#3 {main}\n thrown in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 19, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/plugin/support_manager/admin_staff/ [Mon Aug 11 13:21:20.033884 2014] [:error] [pid 1118] [client] PHP Warning: include(settings/settings.ini.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 10, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/settings/company/ [Mon Aug 11 13:21:20.033947 2014] [:error] [pid 1118] [client] PHP Warning: include(settings/settings.ini.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 10, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/settings/company/ [Mon Aug 11 13:21:20.033961 2014] [:error] [pid 1118] [client] PHP Warning: include(): Failed opening 'settings/settings.ini.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 10, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/settings/company/ [Mon Aug 11 13:21:20.034950 2014] [:error] [pid 1118] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Setting with section {site} value {available_site_access}' in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php:19\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhcore/lhurl.php(35): erConfigClassLhConfig->getSetting('site', 'available_site_...')\n#1 /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php(355): erLhcoreClassURL::getInstance()\n#2 /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/index.php(27): erLhcoreClassModule::moduleInit()\n#3 {main}\n thrown in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 19, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/settings/company/ [Mon Aug 11 13:21:45.506076 2014] [:error] [pid 1358] [client] PHP Warning: include(settings/settings.ini.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 10, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/settings/company/ [Mon Aug 11 13:21:45.506135 2014] [:error] [pid 1358] [client] PHP Warning: include(settings/settings.ini.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 10, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/settings/company/ [Mon Aug 11 13:21:45.506148 2014] [:error] [pid 1358] [client] PHP Warning: include(): Failed opening 'settings/settings.ini.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 10, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/settings/company/ [Mon Aug 11 13:21:45.506945 2014] [:error] [pid 1358] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Setting with section {site} value {available_site_access}' in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php:19\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhcore/lhurl.php(35): erConfigClassLhConfig->getSetting('site', 'available_site_...')\n#1 /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php(355): erLhcoreClassURL::getInstance()\n#2 /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/index.php(27): erLhcoreClassModule::moduleInit()\n#3 {main}\n thrown in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 19, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/settings/company/ [Mon Aug 11 13:21:55.693558 2014] [:error] [pid 1391] [client] PHP Warning: include(settings/settings.ini.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 10, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/settings/company/ [Mon Aug 11 13:21:55.693615 2014] [:error] [pid 1391] [client] PHP Warning: include(settings/settings.ini.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 10, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/settings/company/ [Mon Aug 11 13:21:55.693629 2014] [:error] [pid 1391] [client] PHP Warning: include(): Failed opening 'settings/settings.ini.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 10, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/settings/company/ [Mon Aug 11 13:21:55.694666 2014] [:error] [pid 1391] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Setting with section {site} value {available_site_access}' in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php:19\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhcore/lhurl.php(35): erConfigClassLhConfig->getSetting('site', 'available_site_...')\n#1 /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php(355): erLhcoreClassURL::getInstance()\n#2 /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/index.php(27): erLhcoreClassModule::moduleInit()\n#3 {main}\n thrown in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 19, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/settings/company/ [Mon Aug 11 13:21:58.061733 2014] [:error] [pid 1358] [client] PHP Warning: include(settings/settings.ini.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 10, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/settings/company/modules/installed/ [Mon Aug 11 13:21:58.061898 2014] [:error] [pid 1358] [client] PHP Warning: include(settings/settings.ini.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 10, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/settings/company/modules/installed/ [Mon Aug 11 13:21:58.061916 2014] [:error] [pid 1358] [client] PHP Warning: include(): Failed opening 'settings/settings.ini.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 10, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/settings/company/modules/installed/ [Mon Aug 11 13:21:58.062688 2014] [:error] [pid 1358] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Setting with section {site} value {available_site_access}' in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php:19\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhcore/lhurl.php(35): erConfigClassLhConfig->getSetting('site', 'available_site_...')\n#1 /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php(355): erLhcoreClassURL::getInstance()\n#2 /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/index.php(27): erLhcoreClassModule::moduleInit()\n#3 {main}\n thrown in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 19, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/settings/company/modules/installed/ [Mon Aug 11 13:22:01.628083 2014] [:error] [pid 1391] [client] PHP Warning: include(settings/settings.ini.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 10, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/settings/company/plugins/installed/ [Mon Aug 11 13:22:01.628136 2014] [:error] [pid 1391] [client] PHP Warning: include(settings/settings.ini.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 10, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/settings/company/plugins/installed/ [Mon Aug 11 13:22:01.628149 2014] [:error] [pid 1391] [client] PHP Warning: include(): Failed opening 'settings/settings.ini.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 10, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/settings/company/plugins/installed/ [Mon Aug 11 13:22:01.628941 2014] [:error] [pid 1391] [client] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'Setting with section {site} value {available_site_access}' in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php:19\nStack trace:\n#0 /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhcore/lhurl.php(35): erConfigClassLhConfig->getSetting('site', 'available_site_...')\n#1 /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhcore/lhmodule.php(355): erLhcoreClassURL::getInstance()\n#2 /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/index.php(27): erLhcoreClassModule::moduleInit()\n#3 {main}\n thrown in /var/www/client/plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/lib/core/lhconfig/lhconfig.php on line 19, referer: **REMOVED***/admin/settings/company/plugins/installed/ [Mon Aug 11 13:19:50 2014] [warn-phpd] The ionCube PHP Loader is disabled because of startup problems. (pid 1111) Quote
PauloV Posted August 12, 2014 Author Report Posted August 12, 2014 Hello, First it looks great form the pics, and the community appreciates your contributions. Unfortunately I am getting some errors. It installs fine but then I get a blank popout when clicking the link. I noticed chrome had some 500 errors. I checked apache and it was looking for settings.ini.php There was no file with such name, only _settings.ini.php. I renamed it and now I get a 404 page. Attached is the apache error logs. Hello. Please, trie to uninstall the plugin, then reapload all files again and finally click on install the plugin again. Quote
astroroxy Posted August 12, 2014 Report Posted August 12, 2014 Already tired. It did not make a difference. Quote
PauloV Posted August 12, 2014 Author Report Posted August 12, 2014 Can you provide by PM an sftp access and a blesta access to try to see the problem and fix it? Quote
astroroxy Posted August 16, 2014 Report Posted August 16, 2014 Can you provide by PM an sftp access and a blesta access to try to see the problem and fix it?Just did a re-install of php, was having other issues. It works fine now, Great job! Thanks for all the hard work. PauloV 1 Quote
PauloV Posted August 18, 2014 Author Report Posted August 18, 2014 Just did a re-install of php, was having other issues. It works fine now, Great job! Thanks for all the hard work. Exelent Thanks Quote
Daniel B Posted August 21, 2014 Report Posted August 21, 2014 Having a strange issue, video below: I have to actually tick the remember me box to login When I try to update the admin information, it doesn't update/save Might have something to do with javascript, as I noticed that my support pro ticket count badge isn't showing again I've cleared cookies, cache (browser and blesta), reinstalled the plugin, etc...same effect. Not sure where to check but figured I'd see if you might have an idea of what could be the problem. Quote
PauloV Posted August 21, 2014 Author Report Posted August 21, 2014 Hello Blestars Here it is the Beta 1.0 Released of Blesta Live Chat: We hope you like it Regards, PV Very strange indeed I have trie to reproduce but no luck Do you have any Cache system installed on your server (Nginx, Varnish etc..)? Did you have tried on outher browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari etc.)? Only 4 tings in my optinion is happening: 1º- Browser caching problem 2º- Server caching pages and data 3º- MySql Caching somehow the results 4º- php.ini Post/Request restrictions Please send us feedback Regards, PV Quote
Daniel B Posted August 21, 2014 Report Posted August 21, 2014 I just moved the site over from a cpanel server to a brand new interworx server, no caching or anything has been installed (yet). I've tried it in Chrome, Firefox, IE to the same effect. Nothing should be caching anywhere. Could javascript have anything to do with this? Only reason I ask is because as I mentioned earlier, the badge for new tickets isn't showing up either (in any of the 3 browsers). Quote
PauloV Posted August 21, 2014 Author Report Posted August 21, 2014 I just moved the site over from a cpanel server to a brand new interworx server, no caching or anything has been installed (yet). I've tried it in Chrome, Firefox, IE to the same effect. Nothing should be caching anywhere. Could javascript have anything to do with this? Only reason I ask is because as I mentioned earlier, the badge for new tickets isn't showing up either (in any of the 3 browsers). 1- Did you trie to uninstall and then install it again? very strange. Can you please trie to modify to any outher user and password, and then check in phpMyAdmin the table "lh_users" if there is any change to the new user. 2- The badge only shows if the admin/staff is in "online" status and there is one or more users on client area. If you are offline or there is no user in client area the badge dosent show because there is 0 (zero) useres online Quote
Daniel B Posted August 21, 2014 Report Posted August 21, 2014 1- Did you trie to uninstall and then install it again? very strange. Can you please trie to modify to any outher user and password, and then check in phpMyAdmin the table "lh_users" if there is any change to the new user. 2- The badge only shows if the admin/staff is in "online" status and there is one or more users on client area. If you are offline or there is no user in client area the badge dosent show because there is 0 (zero) useres online I was referring to the Support Pro badge as well, neither of them are showing up right now. I've already uninstalled and reinstalled (mentioned that in my initial post), didn't have any effect. It will not even let me create a new user in the chat system. Quote
PauloV Posted August 21, 2014 Author Report Posted August 21, 2014 I was referring to the Support Pro badge as well, neither of them are showing up right now. I've already uninstalled and reinstalled (mentioned that in my initial post), didn't have any effect. It will not even let me create a new user in the chat system. can you provide me to the email that I will PM you in a few seconds an access to your blesta instalation and ftp to trie to figure and fix the problem? Daniel B 1 Quote
PauloV Posted August 23, 2014 Author Report Posted August 23, 2014 Having a strange issue, video below: I have to actually tick the remember me box to login When I try to update the admin information, it doesn't update/save Might have something to do with javascript, as I noticed that my support pro ticket count badge isn't showing again I've cleared cookies, cache (browser and blesta), reinstalled the plugin, etc...same effect. Not sure where to check but figured I'd see if you might have an idea of what could be the problem. We have found the problem and fixed for you The problem was that the default session directory was not writable, so it can not store session. To any user that has the same problem, here is the fix: open the file: [blesta instalation folder]/plugins/live_chat/vendores/blc/index.php After the line 9: @ini_set('session.cookie_httponly',1); add this: @ini_set('session.save_path','/tmp'); // to set the default session directory Hope that help outhers Regards, PV Daniel B 1 Quote
Daniel B Posted August 24, 2014 Report Posted August 24, 2014 Would this be something good to just add into the core code of the plugin itself, or is there a negative side effect to having to add that line? Quote
PauloV Posted August 24, 2014 Author Report Posted August 24, 2014 Would this be something good to just add into the core code of the plugin itself, or is there a negative side effect to having to add that line? There is no negative effect We will add the option on the next release Daniel B 1 Quote
Nelsa Posted August 26, 2014 Report Posted August 26, 2014 I just instelled it and it is great,I will replace even widgets on my html templates i have on few sites.Thanks a lot. PauloV 1 Quote
Michael Posted August 26, 2014 Report Posted August 26, 2014 I just instelled it and it is great,I will replace even widgets on my html templates i have on few sites.Thanks a lot. Have a look at this post:ºrc/?p=15347 PauloV 1 Quote
PauloV Posted August 26, 2014 Author Report Posted August 26, 2014 I just instelled it and it is great,I will replace even widgets on my html templates i have on few sites.Thanks a lot. Thanks Quote
wantoo Posted September 7, 2014 Report Posted September 7, 2014 Hi, Great work! For sure it deserves a donation (I'll do it in a moment) ;-) Just a little thing about "bare metal security" webserver with mod_security, mod_evasive and WAF : 2 (important) rules are fired each time livechat refresh itself... - on admin side, the only collateral damage is on the Blesta Menu: "bchat_badge" ($online function) fire the rules... that's easy to fix - on other hand, if we've put a widget on a website, every visitor is blacklisted at very next ajax call (a few seconds visit)! On our server, we blacklist IP for 20 mn !! Ouch! These 2 mod_security rules are quite important and we'd better try to keep them as they are... 1) Uniencoded possible Remote File Injection attempt in URI (AE) 2) URL detected as argument, possible RFI attempt detected These 2 rules are fired because of the URL argument in GET variable ("Pattern match "=(?:ogg|gopher|data|php|zlib|(?:ht|f)tps?)://" at REQUEST_URI" for $refferer & $location). There's nothing we can do to quickly fix this problem, apart from disable these rules for the domain where LiveChat is installed. Not fair, not secure It seems that your original code* dates january but LiveHelperChat updated his code, especially on May 11 : mod_security fix #286 May be, you could have a look? Thanks ;-) Have a nice day Didier Edit : sorry, not "your" original code (that is well updated) but "vendor/blc" code ;-) PauloV 1 Quote
PauloV Posted September 8, 2014 Author Report Posted September 8, 2014 Hi, Great work! For sure it deserves a donation (I'll do it in a moment) ;-) Just a little thing about "bare metal security" webserver with mod_security, mod_evasive and WAF : 2 (important) rules are fired each time livechat refresh itself... - on admin side, the only collateral damage is on the Blesta Menu: "bchat_badge" ($online function) fire the rules... that's easy to fix - on other hand, if we've put a widget on a website, every visitor is blacklisted at very next ajax call (a few seconds visit)! On our server, we blacklist IP for 20 mn !! Ouch! These 2 mod_security rules are quite important and we'd better try to keep them as they are... 1) Uniencoded possible Remote File Injection attempt in URI (AE) 2) URL detected as argument, possible RFI attempt detected These 2 rules are fired because of the URL argument in GET variable ("Pattern match "=(?:ogg|gopher|data|php|zlib|(?:ht|f)tps?)://" at REQUEST_URI" for $refferer & $location). There's nothing we can do to quickly fix this problem, apart from disable these rules for the domain where LiveChat is installed. Not fair, not secure It seems that your original code* dates january but LiveHelperChat updated his code, especially on May 11 : mod_security fix #286 May be, you could have a look? Thanks ;-) Have a nice day Didier Edit : sorry, not "your" original code (that is well updated) but "vendor/blc" code ;-) Thanks for appreciate our work and for the donation Didier I have added you to my signature We use custum rules also but dont have any trigger on Mod_Security and/or CSF Tanks for the tip on the fix We have alredy a new verion updated done and ready to be released wen Blesta 3.3 goes Stable, with alot of optimised code, stay tune The new version will only work on Blesta 3.3 or above because some of the new functionality are only trigger by the new Events that are available on Blesta 3.3 Regards, PV Blesta Addons 1 Quote
astroroxy Posted September 29, 2014 Report Posted September 29, 2014 Excited for the new version Quote
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