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Improper Documentation For Crontask::addtaskrun

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  1. Describe the issue you're experiencing.
    1. The comment for addTaskRun's "time" option states that "14:25" is valid format, but when you look at the rules, it has to be in hh:mm:ss not hh:mm.
  2. List any generated errors. (The "Oh Noes" error pages are very helpful.)
    1. Cron task doesn't get installed or listed in the Automation section

It took me a little while to figure out why my cron task wouldn't get added, and I had to dig into the getTaskRunRules() method to understand the format conflicted.  It would make a lot more sense to offer the ":ss" portion as optional:

'rule' => array("matches", "/^([0-9]{1,2})[0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})?)$/"),

I'm not a regex expert so I think a look-ahead would be more efficient but you get the idea.


The seconds are optional. Looks like the regex has an issue, though. It would expect the format "##:##:" or "##:##:##". The last colon should be optional. You can fix it by moving the question mark to the right 1 character. CORE-1040

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