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Fix for unusable PHP debug in Blesta 5.6.0 with PHP 8.1

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Setting PHP debug in Blesta 5.6.0 editing config/blesta.php to below

// PHP error_reporting. 0 to disable error reporting, -1 to to show all errors                                                          
// Consult php's documentation for additional options
// Override minPHP's debugging setting. true to enable debugging, false to disable it
Configure::set('System.debug', true);


always results in error message starting with below in browser, making Blesta unsuable with PHP debug. 

Something went wrong.
Return type of Minphp\Session\Handlers\PdoHandler::open($savePath, $name) should either be compatible with SessionHandlerInterface::open(string $path, string $name): bool, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice.

Return type of Minphp\Session\Handlers\PdoHandler::open($savePath, $name) should either be compatible with SessionHandlerInterface::open(string $path, string $name): bool, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice on line 65 in 
Line 232

Line 10


  • John Heenan changed the title to PHP debug in Blesta 5.6.0 is unusable due to session bug

This problem was originally reported for Blesta beta version 5.6.0-b2. Blesta 5.6.0 has now been released. I upgraded to 5.6.0 as per recommended for a new release (overwrite all files).

The problem and reporting remain the same. PHP debug is unusable because Minphp reports a type error. I assume this is due to tightening up with PHP 8.

Hence I have edited the topic and contents to remove the '-b2' beta suffix.




If this bug is due to some additional type checking in PHP 8.1, maybe we can be told of some global setting to turn this off so we can get past this unhelpful message that obstructs debugging

I don't know where the instruction 


is supposed to go and if this is a global setting or not.


I have found a global fix for this bug. The fix implies Blesta 5.6.0, when used with PHP 8.1, is using deprecated code. This is not surprising and is considered normal for large projects. There is no urgency about fixing this.

Here is the fix that enables PHP debug to be used with Blesta 5.6.0 and PHP 8.1

edit config/blesta.php and use 

Configure::errorReporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED); 

instead of the current recomendation of


Note the spelling of E_DEPRECATED is correct

  • John Heenan changed the title to Fix for unusable PHP debug in Blesta 5.6.0 with PHP 8.1

Below is in a php.ini file for my server that I dd not alter. 

; Default Value: E_ALL                                                                 
; Development Value: E_ALL                                                             
; Production Value: E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT                                  
; https://php.net/error-reporting                                                      │
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT     

What it means is that if you want to use the last configured error_reporting php.ini value then you need to comment out the following lines in conf/blesta.php


E_ALL is equivalent to -1


Some more information about error reporting with Blesta. This clears up confusion for me.

  • Errors are reported to screen, even with display_errors set to off, as errors are trapped by file app/views/errors/error.pdt
  • The boolean internal variable System.Debug decides whether error.pdt includes a stack trace or not
  • To make sure no errors are visible error_reporting must be set to 0, such as by using Configure::errorReporting(0);
  • Errrors are also logged to various files in logs_blesta directory


  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...
On 12/23/2022 at 4:31 AM, johnhe said:

I have found a global fix for this bug. The fix implies Blesta 5.6.0, when used with PHP 8.1, is using deprecated code. This is not surprising and is considered normal for large projects. There is no urgency about fixing this.

Here is the fix that enables PHP debug to be used with Blesta 5.6.0 and PHP 8.1

edit config/blesta.php and use 

Configure::errorReporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED); 

instead of the current recomendation of


Note the spelling of E_DEPRECATED is correct

you save me ❤️

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