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I've worked on this all day today and am pleased to say that I have a version that is showable now.

Link: https://github.com/anzenehansen/Blesta-Goodies/tree/master/plugins/database_manager

Download: https://github.com/anzenehansen/Blesta-Goodies/raw/master/plugin_databasemanager.tar.gz

Its an alpha version as I have limited testing done on it so far. However, from my experience with it, it does well.


  • Download backup similar to System Backup
  • Restore backup (*.sql only so far, implementing method to gunzip *.sql.gz files later)
  • Rebuild database (pointless method really but nice for testing to see if it works fine for you)
To Do
  • Make excluded table list dynamic (let user pick what tables [besides Blesta essentials] are to be left alone when purging)
  • Decompress gunzip SQL backups
  • Improve rules and validations
If anyone else has feedback on this please post. This is my first real plugin for Blesta.

Also I will make the logo different. I am not a graphical person.


Good to see you've taken advantage of the config.json format made available in 3.1. I'd also suggest including a README.md and LICENSE.md file in the same directory. This isn't a requirement, but it's where we're heading to prepare for the Marketplace.


Don't know why I didn't see your posts earlier Cody & Cubic.


@Cody: I'm starting to do the README more often.  As for a LICENSE, do you guys have a specific license you wish to support (Apache 2, MIT, LGPL, etc...), or is it up to the developer?


@Cubic: I can do that, but I'd rather wait until I can use my desktop, lol.  Right now I'm locked down to my netbook and it is a pain in the tushy to work with to say the least for things like that.


The license you define for your plugin is completely up to you, the developer.

Alright.  I know some will ask about this and it does matter because some licenses are incompatible with each other, so a purist might have some issue with it being "whatever you choose" (just a head's up, not trying to be brash or anything).


Alright.  I know some will ask about this and it does matter because some licenses are incompatible with each other, so a purist might have some issue with it being "whatever you choose" (just a head's up, not trying to be brash or anything).


Totally understand. You are correct that some licenses are not compatible with others. However, since your code is extending Blesta and Blesta's license does not limit this, you can choose whatever license you wish (including GPL).

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