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Version 3.0.8 is now available. You can download it in the Client Area.

This is a patch release that corrects issues with 3.0.0.

Patching Blesta

See Patching Blesta in the User Manual for instructions.

Release Notes - Blesta Core - Version 3.0.8

## Version 3.0.8

### Bug
* [CORE-220] - Resolve module system limitations
* [CORE-308] - Manually Add Service - Allow Status Change
* [CORE-315] - DirectAdmin: Number of accounts on server does not change
* [CORE-316] - cPanel: Number of accounts on server does not change
* [CORE-317] - Interworx: Number of accounts on server does not change
* [CORE-749] - Logicboxes: Manage tabs do not load due to undefined order-id when the service has not yet been created
* [CORE-895] - Calling Accounts::add() without optional parameters causes undefined property error
* [CORE-916] - Stripe: Undefined index error on invalid request
* [CORE-930] - Managing a cancelled service allows fields to be updated
* [CORE-948] - Undefined index 'pay_with' on Make Payment without any accepted payment types enabled
* [CORE-949] - Order: Undefined index 'qty' in order summary
* [CORE-956] - Support Manager: Client department list does not clear floats properly
* [CORE-957] - cPanel Extended: Add Order drop-down missing language when setting server group
* [CORE-958] - cPanel Extended: Special FTP Accounts can have their passwords changed
* [CORE-959] - cPanel Extended: Cannot unsuspend an account
* [CORE-960] - cPanel Extended: Client service expandable row shows no content
* [CORE-962] - Billing Overview: Incorrect start/end dates
* [CORE-963] - cPanel Module: Servers within server groups produce a "no host defined" error.
* [CORE-964] - Order plugin: Order form pagination links do not work
* [CORE-973] - Custom client fields list does not use language definition if set
* [CORE-974] - Logicboxes: The error "Undefined property: domain-name" is shown when attempting to order a service as apart of a General order form
* [CORE-976] - Support Manager: Client may create ticket for hidden department


Note: cPanel Extended module is available here.

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