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Whmcs Importer Doesn't Understand Custom Package Pricing



Instead of having one package imported at the correct price, one customer ended up with one directadmin service containing 2 packages, the standard price and the discounted price.


The discounted price can be found in "firstpaymentamount" and "amount" in the table tblhosting in the WHMCS DB.


There are no special steps. Just use the importer and if you have a customer with a package set at a different price than the standard package, you may get 2 packages added to the same service.


Using 3.1-b2 and the latest version of WHMCS and DA.



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OK, I redid the import and I have more data and a suggestion. My initial report was created from memory and I may have gotten some facts wrong. I apologise for  that.



  • Hosting package has a general price assigned to it
  • Customer has a special price assigned to this package



  • 2 terms are created in the imported package
  • Customer is assigned the cheaper term


I don't think it makes sense to create as many terms as there are discounts and instead the importer should understand that the customer's price is different from the standard price and apply a discount.

My understanding is that the only way to reduce the price in Blesta is by applying a valid voucher, so perhaps, vouchers should be created while we wait for prices to be modifiable per customer group?

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OK, I redid the import and I have more data and a suggestion. My initial report was created from memory and I may have gotten some facts wrong. I apologise for  that.



  • Hosting package has a general price assigned to it
  • Customer has a special price assigned to this package



  • 2 terms are created in the imported package
  • Customer is assigned the cheaper term


I don't think it makes sense to create as many terms as there are discounts and instead the importer should understand that the customer's price is different from the standard price and apply a discount.

My understanding is that the only way to reduce the price in Blesta is by applying a valid voucher, so perhaps, vouchers should be created while we wait for prices to be modifiable per customer group?


You didn't create the price as a coupon in WHMCS, so I don't think it makes sense for Blesta to create it as a coupon either.

The problem here is we're trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. The migrator does a pretty good job, but it's not going to be exact because WHMCS and Blesta are not exact. That said, I think the way it does it is more ideal than a coupon, and more ideal than creating additional restricted packages for each custom price (which is what it did before and users with lots of custom pricing hated it).

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You're right, different systems, different ways of doing things. The reason a voucher wasn't used is that the price was imported from a previous billing system into WHMCS and that importer modified the price of the customer's package directly.


Maybe we could have a report showing us which customers are assigned to which package term? Mainly useful to see what's working, but could also help get rid of rarely used or problematic terms by migrating customers.

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I'm having no luck with the import tool.  We are having more than 50 products, and over 75 domain TLD's to configure.  ...i need help to automate this a little  :)


Makes about 3 days i am working on our migration, and now i realize it created all 3 year package as if the client purchased for 9 years.  4 years registrations are now 7 years, etc ... etc...

Also, the package prices are looking messy.  Everything is mixed up, and the amounts are not the correct ones.


Any fix for this?


All the rest worked fine and  I have already configured everything, so i would prefer a solution where i won't have to re-configure everything, if possible :)  I did not verified our packages prices after the migration.  I assumed a bit too much it was going to work out the box :P


Thank you,




p.s.: even if it did not worked, Blesta importer is still better than a WHM** importer we used there is a long time.   After our migration, if we were deleting a product, it was also deleting a random customer profile (and of course if was deleting all the data from the hosting server).  If a client was asking for a cancellation, it was deleting the account of another customer also :P 


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I'm using the version whmcs_migrator_b8.zip from this page : http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/960-whmcs-migrator-beta-updated-2013-11-12/?hl=whmcs%20import


It worked before while testing...  ...but no longer...


thank you,




It's recommended to use the 3.3.1 importer as it's updated with new features like importing the issue you have.

WHMCrapSolutions (My opinion) doesn't handle coupons probably, and therefore creates a new price per client, therefore Blesta imports them per package.

In 3.3.1 the other prices are now using the Price Override feature so you don't get that issue any more :D.

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I tried with the one that came with Blesta first.  I got this error : http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3426-whmcs-import-error-option-pricing-id-cannot-be-nul-migration-from-whmcs-5310-to-blesta-32/


The solution i found was to use the  whmcs_migrator_b8.zip plugin component.


It performed the upgrade.


I choosed to automatically create the packages at import when i tried.


Now, we started over from scratch, with a backup dump of a fresh Blesta install.


We are currently creating our packages manually, and will attempt to also link packages manually during the import.


Since i only saw errors in packages (registration duration and pricing) i assume if we create them first it may work.


I'll update this ticket right after i finished to re-create our bunch of products.


Thank you :)

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I've opened a ticket, but i've got no reply after 4 days.


I'll keep an eye on Blesta for sure, but it seems like too many parts are still in Beta.

Also, i found a couple of warnings from NAXSI that may indicate a couple of XSS in the admin.    I just found 1 for whmcs, while i found many for Blesta.


It's a very promessing piece of software.    ..Good luck to Blesta :)  I'll keep an eye on this for sure, and get back once the importer, opensrs, globalsign, and a couple of other things will be working.

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Also, i found a couple of warnings from NAXSI that may indicate a couple of XSS in the admin.    I just found 1 for whmcs, while i found many for Blesta.



can you add more detailes or send them to blesta staff .



Yes, we'd like to hear about potential XSS vulnerabilities. As with any automated software, it may have generated false positives, so we have to review what you've found for confirmation. You can report potential security issues you've found to security -at- blesta.com.



I've opened a ticket, but i've got no reply after 4 days.


I'm not sure to which ticket you're referring, but I don't see any tickets waiting our response in the last week. Weekends can take longer for a response though, since we're not often available then.

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