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Company Name Instead Of Client #



Anyone have an idea on how to change the Client # in the listing, like under Billing / Invoices instead of the client # ?


It's much easier to know who have an invoice with a name instead of a # ;)


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Anyone have an idea on how to change the Client # in the listing, like under Billing / Invoices instead of the client # ?


It's much easier to know who have an invoice with a name instead of a # ;)


The [billing] -> [invoices] listing, as Ken mentioned, shows the client name when you hover over the Client #. If you want to sort by the client name, you can update /app/views/admin/default/admin_billing_invoices.pdt to either add a new column for the client's name, or replace the Client # column with the client name.


Each column only supports one field for sorting, so you would use either the client's first name (client_first_name) or client's last name (client_last_name) as the field to sort on. If you're familiar with HTML and PHP, it should be fairly straight-forward to add this in through the template.

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Anyone have an idea on how to change the Client # in the listing, like under Billing / Invoices instead of the client # ?


It's much easier to know who have an invoice with a name instead of a # ;)


This can be done but I'm not sure off the top of my head and would have to look into it, but for whatever it's worth...


A client name doesn't equate to a client account.  I believe you can have multiple accounts with the same name.  Ideally the method I use when I went to find invoices for a client is to go to the actual client account and view them from there.  If I want to see an account name of a client under Billing / Invoices I can just mouseover and see a tooltip with the name of the client.  Furthermore the client ID is a bit more uniform in that column view since client names can easily take up a wider range of character spaces.


Sorry for not directly answering the question, I wanted to put that on the table incase you find it useful.

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Can I do the same thing by modifying a pdt file to display a custom field in the left box under a client view to display one custom field all the time ?


If yes, which PDT file? ;)


If you're referring to the admin interface, I think you would want the /app/views/default/admin_clients_view.pdt template, however, I don't think custom fields are available to that template. You would need to update the AdminClients controller to make them available. Of course, making changes to core Blesta files will require you to back up the files you modified and merge your changes with any patches or updates to Blesta that you download in the future.

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