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in 5.4.1 some pages and elements not working in client view

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Hello, since update to 5.4.1 there are:
1. overview tables missing in client dashboard
2. main pages services, order and invoices not reachable for client

I guess there either must be something wrong in my installation or this is a bug.


1. overview tables missing in client dashboard
- login as client or visit dashboard when already logged in as client
- everything shows up, but not the overview tables for invoices, services, transactions
-> I already tried de-and reactivating the tables as admin in layout settings, didn't help.

URL: /client/

error 500 in server error log for:
"GET /client/invoices/?whole_widget=true HTTP/1.0"
"GET /client/services/?whole_widget=true HTTP/1.0"
"GET /client/transactions/?whole_widget=true HTTP/1.0"
(all together)

2. main pages services, order and invoices not reachable for client
- login as client
- click on navigation items: services, order -> order history, or support -> tickets
- OR click on any card (services, invoices, orders, tickets)
- [ no problem at navigation items: dashboard, support -> knowledgebase ]
- [ no problem at making payment or editing client / contact data ]
- page opens with white screen


error 500 in server error log for:
"GET /client/services/index/active/ HTTP/1.0"
"GET /plugin/support_manager/client_tickets HTTP/1.0"
"GET /order/orders/ HTTP/1.0"
"GET /client/invoices/index/open/ HTTP/1.0"
(depending on the page visited of course)

Blesta 5.4.1, PHP 7.4.30 (also tried 7.3.33 and 7.2.34), 10.1.48-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.18.04.1, mysqlnd 7.4.29


Bildschirmfoto 2022-06-28 um 18.59.39.png


In case anyone else experiences this issue, this case was due to /config/blesta.php missing pagination settings. This could happen if the config file is not writable during upgrade.

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