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Drop dates on invoice in the line items description



Hi all,

i cannot find it in this forum maybe i just need a little help...

On every invoice, the product also includes the start and end date of a recurring contract. Is it possible to remove these dates from the invoice?

Basic contribution for practice - (28 Jun 2022 - 28 Jun 2023)

We always reset all invoicing dates to November because we invoice per calendar year and then stating the dates is confusing.

I was hoping that modifying the Option.description.option.item.date.text line in core/Pricing/Modifier/Type/Description/language/en_us/option.php would be enough but no..


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Oke solved it for now, in the files core/Pricing/Modifier/Type/Description/language/nl_nl option.php and services.php changed

//$lang['Service.description.service.item.date'] = '%1$s - %2$s (%3$s - %4$s)'; // %1$s is the name of the package, %2$s is the name of the service, %3$s is the start date, %4$s is the end date


$lang['Service.description.service.item.date'] = '%1$s - %2$s'; // %1$s is the name of the package, %2$s is the name of the service, %3$s is the start date, %4$s is the end date

For all (%3$s - %4$s) in the files...

There should be an option just like only for the options present in the admin of Blesta... (i think)

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