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Manual Vps Setup - Vps Details Missing





I have several customer's whom already had provisioned VPS machines in SolusVM.  I setup their VPS machines in Blesta, however no details, no management features, no graphs, etc are available.


How can I get their VPS machines to link up with their client accounts?




5 answers to this question

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When you go to the client's account, you get:


  • Virtual server not found

Manage Budget VPS 



Server Status

This server is



All of the information is blank.  How can I fix these, so that Blesta links up with SolusVM properly?






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Hi Larry,


Since Blesta  didn't create the VPS, it's probably missing the solusvm_vserver_id key in the service_fields table. Search the service_fields for the service_id for this particular service. Among the results should be a key that matches solusvm_vserver_id with a value that matches the id for the server in solusvm.


If this row is missing, or wrong, you can add it or update it in MySQL, respectively.

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I did that.  I put the 3 digit number for the solusvm_vserver_id field and the single digit number for the solusvm_virt_id field and I have also tried switching them around without any success.  I have also tried putting them as the same as per my screenshot, and no combonation of numbers seems to work.


Screen Shot:



I had already tried that, but that didn't seem to work at all.




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Looks like you have some of those values set as serialized. The null values should be serialized (i.e. "N;"), but I don't believe the others should be.




I haven't changed anything under the 'serialized' column.  Those values are as is, as they were.  What do you think I need to change to get this working properly?






UPDATE:  I think I got it.  I did that I think I understood correctly, was everything that was showing as "N;" I set to "1" in the serialized column, and everything else, I set to "0" in the serialized column and it now is updating in Blesta and showing proper information.


One thing, that I noticed that STILL isn't working is the 'graphs' in the 'statistics' area.  They are just showing as like placeholder image icons, and there are no graphs showing.




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