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Cached Invoices: invoices cached in the wrong language

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I'm on 5.1.2 and using cached invoices.

I usually generate invoices on the admin area or modify existing ones. But but if I select to re-cache the invoice on save (when manually editing), they are cached in the admin's language and not in the client's language. That wasn't a problem when they were generated on the fly, but now when clients want to view or download their invoices, the wrong language cached versions are provided.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Enable invoice caching

2. From the admin area, choose a client with different language settings than the admin's.

3. Edit something about an invoice and select to regenerate cached version.

4. View the invoice from the admin area and from the clients panel (both are in the admin's language not in the client's one).

5. Optional.. Change the admin's language and repeat the procedure. Now the invoice is cached in the new admin's language.


I think it would be better that invoices are generated, cached and re-cached in the client's language when invoice caching is enabled.



  • Luis M. changed the title to Cached Invoices: invoices cached in the wrong language

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