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Import Invoice Data From File



This is an alternate idea to my post:

Creating Invoice Based On Activities



I need to be able to import invoice add data from a file.

Perhaps a simple, generic way to handle this is for the file to contain items needed for invoice:add.





here is the body of the invoice such as



date description  $

date description  $

date description  $

  subtotal           $$




date description  $

date description  $

date description  $

  subtotal           $$



<line>summary for user1</line>

<line>summary for user2</line>








I need to hire someone to do this as I do not know PHP.


Any and all suggestions are welcome.


If you want to contact me directly DGerman@Real-World-Systems.com



10 answers to this question

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How many invoices do you have & customers? I would think it would be easier to make them manually. 


1) make the user accounts.


2) add invoice, type in the description, then add the price. Then send it to their email.


You can also set it as a recurring invoice.

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I need to produce 50-200 invoices monthly, each month unique based on activity.

Manually entering the invoices is not feasable.


Is blesta not really suitable ? is not do you have a suggestion?

Thanks again.


  • 0

I need to produce 50-200 invoices monthly, each month unique based on activity.

Manually entering the invoices is not feasable.


Is blesta not really suitable ? is not do you have a suggestion?

Thanks again.



It probably is possible to do it from a file like that, but they'd need a importer or something to split the information up.


But changing a invoice every month would be difficult at the moment. But I'm not a employee of Blesta and not the best with coding myself. But I think it would be possible to do it with the Project Manager Module when they get round to it after 3.1, etc.

They are a small team mate, and they've created this amazing product, very helpful and interactive with the community and their customers. You wouldn't find anywhere else. So they find a way to help you if it is possible if not maybe they'll add it to their to-do list, but as people say "Rome wasn't build in a day". I'm sure a developer here could help you for a small fee, but again I can't really talk on behalf of others.


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An alternate to all that XML stuff is a fixed format file to create a single invoice .

something like:



yyyy-mm-dd       (dateb)

yyyy-mm-dd      (dated)

$$$.$$,description of line

$$$.$$,description of line


# the lines that follow are inserted as public notes



date description  $

date description  $

date description  $

  subtotal           $$




date description  $

date description  $

date description  $

  subtotal           $$

  • 0

An alternate to all that XML stuff is a fixed format file to create a single invoice .

something like:



yyyy-mm-dd       (dateb)

yyyy-mm-dd      (dated)

$$$.$$,description of line

$$$.$$,description of line


# the lines that follow are inserted as public notes



date description  $

date description  $

date description  $

  subtotal           $$




date description  $

date description  $

date description  $

  subtotal           $$


What system did / do you use currently do manage them?

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Like I said in your other thread, you just need a plugin to do this. It's pretty basic, really. Email sales or open a ticket and we can discuss.


He has a ticket open, I've assigned it to you.

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Looking forward to you response.


Is this a plug in or  a command line invocation based on the api_samples/createInvoice.php ?


It would be a /plugin/Invoice_Activities/ and you'd edit everything you need somewhere on Blesta itself.

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