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How setup name and description for custom email templete in module?



I added custom email template for my module:

                $group = [
                    'action'     => 'certificate_generate',
                    'type'       => 'client',
                    'plugin_dir' => null,
                    'tags'       => '{first_name},{last_name},{package_name}',

                if ($groupId = $module->EmailGroups->add($group)) {
                    $email = [
                        'email_group_id' => $groupId,
                        'company_id'     => isset($_SESSION['blesta_company_id']) ? $_SESSION['blesta_company_id'] : 1,
                        'lang'           => 'en_us',
                        'from'           => 'no-reply@mydomain.com',
                        'from_name'      => 'Blesta Order System',
                        'subject'        => 'SSL Certificate',
                        'text'           => 'Hi {first_name}, Now you are able to generate your certificate. Login to your account and process with Certificate Configuration',
                        'html'           => '<p>Hi {first_name},</p><p>Now you are able to generate your certificate. Login to your account and process with Certificate                     Configuration</p>',

Template created successfully but I don't know how setup name and description in admin area email templates list.
I try added files in directories

$lang['AdminCompanyEmails.templates.certificate_generate_name'] = 'SSL Certificate';
$lang['AdminCompanyEmails.templates.certificate_generate_desc'] = 'Notice sent that the client is able to generate and configure a certificate.';

Unfortunately this solution is not working.

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