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Adding Domain Services Gives An Error




I am trying to add a domain to a client account but keep getting and error message.


When I tick use Logic boxes module I get this "Required parameter missing: reg-contact-id"


If I do not tick use module I get this: "Website doesn't exist for websitename.com"


Not sure what the error means, does that mean I cannot setup domains as a service in blesta?


Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.


Thanking you

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Your enom PASSWORD is the KEY.


Hi Cody that is what I have been using my Enom password for the key and it gives the error - "The user and key combination appear to be invalid, or your Enom account may not be configured to allow API access."


As stated before I have written to enom support and they said they do not provide an api key, they provide an api test account only but not a key. 


WHMCS uses the user and password not an api key which the module is clearly calling for.

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Hi Cody that is what I have been using my Enom password for the key and it gives the error - "The user and key combination appear to be invalid, or your Enom account may not be configured to allow API access."


As stated before I have written to enom support and they said they do not provide an api key, they provide an api test account only but not a key. 


WHMCS uses the user and password not an api key which the module is clearly calling for.


If you have entered the correct user and password (the same details you use to log into enom) then you do not have the IP address of your blesta server whitelisted in your enom account.

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If you have entered the correct user and password (the same details you use to log into enom) then you do not have the IP address of your blesta server whitelisted in your enom account.


Thank you Cody,


I setup all IP addresses but one, will send it to enom and get back.


Thanks again.

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Well Enom has whitelisted all the IP Addresses I gave them where the server is hosted and still giving a key error. 


Am I the only one getting this error, no one else using Enom?


Is the module working for everyone?

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I already have that setup with the IP Addresses whitelisted in the test account, still a no no.


Can I PM you so you maybe check my config or settings or enom to see what I am doing wrong.


Thank you for your patience.

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same case on logicbox 
{"status": "ERROR", "message": "The website does not exist for ****. com"} "



Adding this for future reference..


This error appears to occur when a transfer is in progress but is not complete. When the transfer has completed, this error should no longer occur. See https://support.logicboxes.com/helpdesk/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/41/0/seeing-the-error-t3-error-website-doesnt-exist-for-order-id-when-searching-for-a-domain

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I'm not transferring any domains and see the exact same message when trying to activate a domain.


It looks like Blesta is asking Logicboxes to tell it about the domain (as it does not provide any registering information), but the domain has not been registered yet, so Logicboxes is telling it that.


This is coming from Billing>Services>In review, trying to activate the domain that the customer has just purchased.

The button says "manage", but there is no "activate", "register" or "edit" button.

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OK, so found out why this was happening. As suspected, the order had to be accepted first, but I couldn't find where to accept it.

For future reference, orders are "hidden" in the orders widget which you may have to activate so that it shows up on the billing dashboard.

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